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Sunday, July 25, 2010 | 0 Superman(s)
FIRSTLY, im sick. horrible. bad bad time. doctor says i need to monitor it closely so nothing goes wrong! haha. fascinating what a small flu, sore throat and cough does to your body.

ANYWAY, today was the audition! hahah. i was sick from yesterday, so today i couldnt participate ): its like a bittersweet feeling. first im feeling bitter cos i dont get to participate, sweet cos i dont have to get embarassed. HAHA. but huishan's still going anyway, so i went with her. reached at 9plus. STOOD FOR 2 HOURS! ): registration starts at 11, so we just stood there talking. my legs almost went numbbbb.

kay i think i'l stop here for now. continue tmr hopefully with peekturezx too! :D my head's getting worse. I NEED TO GET MY HEART RATE DOWNNN. chill. kay bye! (:

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