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Monday, July 19, 2010 | 0 Superman(s)
TODAY WAS JUST ABSOLUTELY...... boring! haha. yep thats the word.

i woke up at around 11plus, watched teevee and played Monopoly. haha. its not the usual board-game-monopoly. its actually all cards! korkor brought this home a few days ago then he was bugging all of us to start playing it w him. lolol. apparently he got papa&mama to start when i was out on friday night! so today papa was bugging ME to start playing it also. its not bad la actually. my papa was so proud that HE was the one to teach me all the rules and everything, then after one round i kept winning him. LOL. like seriously, he totally couldnt believe it! hahaha. we played all the way till dinner time, then kelvin came home. we ate dinner, then played again.

WA like seriously. he was so freaking arrogant i felt like slapping his face. HAHA. not literally la, but you get my point. i think my mood was a little spoilt! lol. we stopped at 10, then watched teevee while i did my homework and all, bathed, and here i am! TA-DAAA. :D

nothing much already! oh but i keep thinking im turning 20, but i havent really done anything stupid yet. then i saw this advert. SHOULD I GO? i feel like i should try something crazy before im too old to try anything. hahaha. a milestone in my life. go embarrass myself or something. LOL. but one person go like so stupiddddd. any willing sacrificial lambs wants to join me? CHEE HUI SHAN. hahah. i know you sure interested. oh! or maybe i could ask xueting tmr. HMMMMM. okay we see how. thats all for now la. goodbye! :D

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