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Thursday, July 01, 2010 | 0 Superman(s)
i seriously need to friggin remember to tap the stupid card! hahah. siannn. halfway thru class today then i realised that i forgot to tap. wastedd. i could have used the day for better things.

ANYWAY, today's econs was crazee. literally! im getting more and more lost alr. the curves curve like siao one. anyhow. maths is okayy. its like BC. econs is like, no words at all. just graphs. one sentence of question ask you true/false, you have to cough up like at least 3 graphs, each with like at least 2-5 lines inside. this is just so horribleeee! ): [im going to take a photo of it soon. its unbelievable!]

im like considering whether or not to go for tmr's orientation. HAHAHA. like siaooooo. report 9am. thats earlyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ): PLUSPLUSPLUS i havent even printed the indem form yet! its not even compulsory for us cos of bridging lo. BUT THEN AH, if i dont go, i think i'l feel so lonely. HAHA. like go school everyone knows each other cos of orientation then im this loner just hanging around fitting into nowhere ): butbutbut if im going bridging, im gonna start 2nd year straight, and orientation's for those starting from first year right? hahaha. this is confusingggggg. :|

KAYYYYYYY! i made up my mind. i shall TRY waking up early tmr. if i fail, im not going to go. TA-DA! settled (: oh i think imma genius. HAHAHA. :D

thats all for today! goodbye.

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