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Wednesday, July 14, 2010 | 0 Superman(s)
im running, but its a whole load better than staying still, going nowhere.

haha school's crazy. literally. i have totally no idea what econs is about. its killing me. next week's already the last week of lessons! then exams soon. wa sian. im starting to feel the stress already. lol. micro micro. you will be the cause of my death if any deaths really occur! ): PLUS, the lecture notes are totally useless. cant even study on your own. at least maths is giving me hope! haha. so far so good. i just hate that stupid thing we learnt today. with the brackets then put to 0 and 1 that stupid thing. hahah. total idiocy. the teacher tried one example with us, then told us to complete the whole chapter by ourselves by the next lesson :| hahaha. i like his style! LOL. he's a fairly nice person.

OHOHOH! i didnt get to go training! ): cos nobody wanted to go w me. hahah. xueting was just too obsessed w choir practices which happen to fall on the same date, and amanda pangseh-ed me! so sad can! i was looking fwd to it pretty much at first.. OHWELL.

ANDANDAND! i saw yf there! haha. woah. like 4years since i last saw her. okay enough. it took me an hour to type this. im running out of things to say alr. hahah.

dont know if its just me or something. haha. what can i do to make you understand thattttttttttt. if i say it straight, you'l be lost! lol. but then if i dont say, it just continues and goes on. like a black hole! it just goes deeper and deeper. ahhhhhhhhhhh. hahah. i suck at these things. ):

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