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Because there was nothing else left but to accept
Thursday, July 22, 2010 | 0 Superman(s)
its a random day out as well! haha. today econs was okayy. at the very least i understood vaguely what was going on! haha. i could even explain things to amanda and xueting okayyyyy. going thru this econs, im actually pretty glad at my brilliant idea of not accepting the local uni's offer of econs. ITS CRAZEEEEY. mad, literally. we're just touching the tip of the iceberg, and its already enough to suffocate us. lucky the passing mark only 34. HAHA. even w that also not confident lo. haiyo. i must prepare to mug already.

after lessons i went to meet the guys, who were at bugis getting their army stuffs! feels like fun only. hahaha. but tooo badddd. by the time i reached they already finished shopping lol. all came back w couple watches. HAHAHA! met them at macs to have my lunch at 4, then we bought tickets for The Sorcerer's Apprentice at bugis. just nice there was this 5pm slot! hahah. and it was TOTALLY EMPTY. its fated man. LOL.

we had some time before the movie, so we headed over to Iluma for kelvin's KOI. okay im gna deviate abit. i just went to google Iluma, and wiki mentioned its a TEN STORY BUILDING! WOAH. beat that! i didnt ever realise it was until i saw that report. hahaha. cooooool. okay back. so for some reason bob was feeling crazily generous, he decided to treat us KOI. HAHAHA. I THINK THERE'S GOING TO BE A BLUE MOON TONIGHT. apparently he won money in genting. 250. hahahah. explains the generosity. then we walked around a little, and went back in for the movie while bob went off.

THE MOVIE WAS COOL! the effects like nt bad, but i seriously expected the girl to be a little more useful. lol. she kicked a satelite and saved the day. WOAH. hahahha. so lame! its a 2hr show. i almost went crazy trying to hold in my pee. LOL. all the bubble tea's fault! one hour into the show i already felt like pee-ing. i thought it'd be an hour half at the most. almost died. hahahah. after the show kelvin&eugene bought takopachi, i got my yami, and we sat down at starbucks to slack! lol. i rmb jh did something stupid, but i cant rmb. something stupidly funny. hahaha. dunoo.

after talking, we decided to head back in to walk around. jh wanted to find his everlast and stuff. walked around Bugis Junction, then to Iluma. walked a little more then we all went home! oh i bought puffs on the way back. SO NICE. i wasnt actually intending to buy, kelvin was. but it so happened they had some free samples, so i tried! AND IT MELTED IN MY MOUTHHHH. waaaa. hahah. then i bought. here's the funny thing. i ordered from the girl, then put the money on the counter. since she wasnt done with my order, i went to grab another piece of the sample to eat (okay im greedy but its really friggin' nice. hahaha =x) because i was so busy w the sample even after she was done w my order, eugene helped me take my product. and i was supposed to get change! the girl already said "NEXT PLEASE" so said "my money!" hahahha. eugene thought that was my change so he took the money on the counter then we walked away. after that i realised it was the exact amt i put on the counter to PAY for the puffs. LOL. means she didnt collect money from me! WOAH. HAHAHA. $8 leh! in the end i was still nice enough to go back and pay. lol. kelvin as usual scolded me stupid for that. hahahaha. OHWELL.

on the way home eugene&i chatted quite a little, on stuffs. hahaha. and i had my doubts confirmed :| wa sian. now whats left is how to break the news. nevermind. i shall keep hope that its just a temporary thing. LOL. i dont think it needs to go that far laaa. (: walked home, went to the fountain to sit and just calm myself down a little. ahh i miss that place. (: its still my haven as usual! the place where i can find peace and serenity. lol. but soon the amount of banglas starting to congregate in that area told me its time to go home.

SO HERE I AM! smelling so fragrant after bathing. hahhaha. OH YEH YEH YEH! i keep wanting to say but i keep forgetting. lolol. I RECEIVED MY TP ALUMNI CARD! HAHAHA. like so coool. i totally forgot about it already then it came in my mailbox on monday. lol. random i know. just wanted to share this piece of news. hahahah. kay im gna go read my manga already. i'l start mugging officially on monday ): wa sian. exams exams. what horrid inventions. kay im off. BYEBYE! :D

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