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Sunday, July 18, 2010 | 0 Superman(s)
today was awesome awesome awesome! hahaha.

i was supposed to meet jh and the rest first earlier to grab a bite or something, then i saw edric on the train! like so qiao. hahah. PLUS, we were just a door away from each other and didnt realise until he was about to get off. lol. edric you still look like you, surprisingly. HAHAH. really! i talk talk talk then realised you were bald. LOL. but you didnt look so bad la. you still look like you, like, normal. hahaha. so cooooool.

at first i thought i was first to reach, then amazingly jh was earlier than me! like, WOAH. miracle i tell you. hahaha. we sat at macs, waited for kelvin, then we went to foodcourt to eatt. eugene met us there. then after eating we went to find az and the rest at MOS burger. slacked and all while waiting for qinyu and the rest to arrive, then we headed to Timbre@Old School! woah it was a crazy climb. over a 100 steps! hahaha. insane! halfway thru jh and eugene started counting the steps to re-enact the Wishing Stairs scene. LOL. crazy people. i abandoned them to walk w kelvin and samuel. then after being half-dead from climbing, we arrived! :D

i think that place was just totally AWESOME. :D really cool place! so different from the timbre i went to near smu. i almost went deaf there! haha. but the sound was just perfect here. (: had funnnnnnn! the ambience was great! hahaha. i want to celebrate my birthday there tooooo! please remind me when the time comes. i think i wont even remember about the place by then alr. haha. ANDANDAND i think david totally made my day. HAHA. hilarious. dont know why i keep remembering that part thou. lol.

OHOHOH MY INTERNET IS SO COCKED UP THESE DAYS! ): i dont know why you know! my internet just goes off at 2am everytime. really! ive been noticing you know. even thou my modem's still on and everything, by 2am i wont be able to connect. even if i off and on the power again, the connection only lasts for like awhile then it goes off again. WHAT THE. so annoying! it leaves me free for one hour just playing solitare on my phone. ): OHWELLLLL.

kay thats all for todayy. i'l update again. byee! (:

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