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Sunday, May 31, 2009 | 0 Superman(s)
so i finally solved that practice question which was bugging me the whole day. kudos to huishan for that. hahah.

im totally boreddd. and not studying. i think i have the tendency to not study alot for subjects that i think is understandable. for example cra. i flipped my book, and i dont know what to study about. its more like i understand already. but like sometimes will scared cos when i dont study alot, i panic alot. then in exams, i will suddenly doubt all my answers, or totally blank out. HAHA. i'd better study more. last year alr. cannot screw up.

kay anyways, baby came my house today! thankew thankew thankew! hahah. i know how unwilling he was so i totally appreciate the effort. LOVESSSS! hehehe. so yup. studied and everything. i think his psp should never be left at my house during exam periods. hahah. instead of studying, i keep taking the psp to play! irritating. im so going to get my mum to lock my comp up during the main exams. haha. i think its quite effective. the last time i told her to do that i could concentrate better! :D

kayyy. its getting late. i'd better go sleep sooon. maybe 11plus. then its time to wake up at 4! hahaha. to revise. i feel calmer when i wake at 4 to revise you see. it gives me the security that i actually did revise. LOL. its all in the mind la, but yea. used to it alr. (:

goodluck for all taking exams! :D jiayouuuuus!

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