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Saturday, October 25, 2008 | 0 Superman(s)

im seriously feeling like,
uberrrrrrrrrrrrr accomplished luhs!
im serious! dont believe ask xm or sw!!
the advisors also can. :D

yesterday was dinner with the advisors at Seoul Garden.
it was kinda like a farewell dinner for Ms Lee.
SHE'S GOING OFF! to america for a year. ):
she was such a nice teacher! hahah.
always afraid that we'd go hungry during meetings or something.
most of our titbits/snacks come from her! hehe.
oh wells. =

had a great chat yesterday!
with Mr Joseph Tan's 你吃饱了没
&&& they were planning on using him as publicity! HAHA
its for the upcoming HongKong study trip.
they were planning on using the title:
LOL. not bad leh! i think it attracts those who went Bintan.
at least it attracts jon. = HAHA.
quite funny la. every topic under the sun came out.
never realised i could talk thaaaaaat much with lecturers.
a new experience, i must say. hahah.
after that Mr Tan left us. he went dating! HAHA.
we were all planning on very 'coincidentally' meeting him in the cinema!
LOL. hilarious lah please!

we ate for quite long. from 630-950. HAHA.
eat until they close lah! omg.
i ate quite alot okay! i shocked everyone.
muahahahhaa. i found a hidden potential already.

okay. after that we shopped around tm awhile,
discussed awhile, then HOME SWEET HOME.
i swear i was freaking tired. but i wasnt full leh.
had like, 891324981273 meat & 4scoops of icecream!
HAHA. okay. whatever.
thats all for now! update another day lah. byebye!


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