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Tuesday, September 02, 2008 | 0 Superman(s)
okay. i guess i should blog.

ytd was the workshop. all went well, screwups here and there, but it was fine. got totally wet and i screamed till my voice went hoarse (alright not that bad, but i had a sorethroat to begin with. it just got worse(: ). oh and not to mention this really big blue black across my back. haha. some idiots went to splash water at me with so-not-very-good-skills and ended up throwing the whole pail at me, thus hitting my back. lol. not once not twice but thrice okay! and i dont know who =/ okay fine. im sorry. haha. i got angry at that time and started acting like a bitch calling everyone suckers =/ IM SORRY! i think i was high. haha.

didnt realise my back was so badly bruised. only after i went to change and looked in the mirror that i realised. haha. how cool was that. hurts like crap. HAHA. duno. it was fine during the game thou. just a little aching here and there. OHWELL. lol. but i turned moody after that. not exactly moody, but quiet. sorethroat what! talk to much for what. damn tired too. didnt have the mood. lol. and the ig peeps started to worry about me. haha. sweeties they are. but yea, im fine la. dont worry! (:

reached home at duno what time, bathed, and used the comp for awhile, then went to sleep. OHOH. the rest went to genting this morning at 6am. HAHA. i woke up at 610, somehow. i dont know why. i was debating whether to sms them to tell them byebye anot. but! i fell back asleep while thinking, so i didnt in the end. ah whatever. lol. its going to be SOOOO boring this week, with them all gone. but luckily ive got the bsc ig camp to help me survive. HAHA. but i so dont feel like going anyways. BORING. ohwell. shall see how.

on the bright side, after they come back this week, we would have time to shop for all our chalet stuffs next week! cooooool. im loving all of them. haha. (: (: (: MEANWHILE, ive got to find something to do! like maybe pack my bag for the camp or find some other shows to watch. boring. nvm. im meeting huikuoon later. I MISS HER! been like a gazillion years since we met up. haha. yeah! gogogo! (:


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