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Tuesday, September 23, 2008 | 0 Superman(s)

so the ig chalet wasnt as boring as i expected it to be afterall. :D reached aranda at around 5plus 6 in the evening. played asshole dai dee, bridge & all the card games with tingwen, ruijie, hengchang & zhongyou. (im trying really hard to remember all of their names here.) a little while after that went inside the room to chat with stella, charmaine & josiah. siaowei went out with gary, benjamin, jiaming & shawn, i think. not really sure. haha. but anyways, chatted with them until sw & the guys came back from pool. SO LATE! we almost starved to death waiting for them. they came back at around 8, then we started the bbq outside at the corridoor.

woah quite cool. i didnt know we could do that. not bad. next time can try. lol. so yeah. i tried helping them with the bbq, but gave up soon after. i was needed inside for Taboo! groupings were sw, hanchong & me. gary, shawn, jiaming & tingwen formed another. haha. SO COOL! i think im not bad la please! for a first timer at that. :D :D :D we won! hahah. quite fun. so yeap. we continued playing while food was sent in to us. HAHA. im so terribly sorry. but obviously i'l be more of a hindrance than a help la. so, :D THANKYOUVERYMUCH! lol. oh and after that the mahjong set came. so shawn, charmaine, gary & i sat down to play! haha. quite funny bunch of people. shawn would literally jump with joy everytime he pong-ed. HAHA. cos he'd get to skip gary's turn. lolol. hilarious. but we ended with him as the biggest loser still la. haha. damn funny. :D :D :D

played & bbq-ed till around 11.20, then realised the time. so me, stella, charmaine, josiah, gary, shawn, jiaming, ruijie & zhongyou headed over to eHub for Mirrors. but point was, stella & josiah were the only ones that were LEGAL. hahah. obviously the receptionists didnt believe in lunar dates. pfft. SO, being the smart us, we decided to sneak in! stella & josiah went ahead to get their tickets for the 1150 slot of Mirrors. the rest of us went to get tickets for Mamma Mia at 1145, then sneaked in to the other theatre showing mirrors. HAHA. quite easy actually, seeing that both theatres were also conveniently beside each other. lolol. so yeah. quite alright la. a little too gruesome at the sister's side. WALLAO. and please! i so did not shout in the theatre okay! haha. i think its charmaine or josiah. HAHAHA. (:

ohoh. at first gary didnt want to come, since he'd ALWAYS sleep in movies. hahah. but he didnt try horror before, so he went along with us. we were all betting that he'd sleep please. in the end, he didnt. shawn did. HAHA. hilarious please. how would someone even sleep in a theatre, with a horror movie showing at that. lolol. quite funny. haha. so yeap. our show ended at around 2. grabbed some stuffs at macs then headed back to chalet.

pretty much chatted the night away la. the 4 of us, as usual. chatted till 8plus in the morning, then i fell asleep. HAHA. it was actually due to the fact that stella&charmaine were talking so softly to each other about a topic that didnt exactly spark my interest you see. lolol. so yea. gave up and went to sleep. woke up at around 11plus in the afternoon. by tt time hanchong, hengchang, gary & ruijie went back already. tingwen went back soon after she woke up too. the guys left at around 12plus 1, leaving only me, stella & siaowei. stayed for awhile more until around 2 then stella & me left.

yeap. thats about all. i need to shop for shorts! dammit. my knee length shorts for F1. pffffft. quite irritating actually. nevermind. shall go walk around hub tmr or something. if still dont have then maybe i'l head down town. quite lazy thou. we shall see. hmmm. (:


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