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Friday, July 27, 2007 | 0 Superman(s)

was just reading it just now.
cried nuts over it. T.T
its a local story, but not sure if its true.
in any case, its sad. heart-wrenching in fact. ):
you should read it..then tell me how u feel k? (:

hmms. changed blogskin. and finally, POM project is finally done. all that's left is monday's presentation, then we're over n done with it. yea. tmr most prob gg over to alex or jon's hse to practice the presentation baa. im sooo glad its not leslie's. lol. not to say i dont like his house la. in fact, his house is fabulous. i love his house. so stylo. haha. but its just too outta the way for me la. yea. wish me luck for monday ya? pray n pray n pray. lol. =x im so scared i'l do something stupid when im nervous lo. so malu! haha.

oh ya. that post was done by my stupid twin. not me. lol. im the bin. he's the rubbish. hahx. owells. today was boring too.! sian. n i think im really really getting sick =x having sore throat, blocked nose and abit of cough. think its flu, seeing the weather's been so cold these few days. haha. darn. jus hope my voice stays until all the presentations are over. =/

right. i'l go now. feeling so sleepy. its sucha miracle i didnt sleep thru econs today. lol. normally i'd slp thru. bdn tdy i was jus so engrossed in copying notes i didnt. mayb cos i was too cold too. hmm. okok. im crapping. lol. gone.


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