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Monday, May 28, 2007 | 0 Superman(s)
dammit. the fact that exams is just next week havent hit me yet. mann. im so dead kays. and here i m stiu usin d comp. lol. nvm la. least i started on microecons le. BDN, got loadsa freaking stuffs to rmb can. zzz. tmr onwards mus pia already..

oh ya. was jus watchin d campus superstar thing. realised this yr phs oso got a guy went in. woots. not bad. haha. hope he stays as long as yiyuan. ((: phs rawks. rwahahahs. reminds me of the good ol' days...*ponders*

alrites i'l stop here now. gotta go read up the FRS framework thing. so dumb. its gonna b tested in exams. sighs. im beginning to regret liaos. im so hating the teacher. wth. alrites. whatever. going off now. tata. cya guys. miss you LOADS! muacks (:



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