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Wednesday, March 07, 2007 | 0 Superman(s)
bummer. got into tp. haha. ah wells, maple's down the whole day today. sighs. so thot i'd make use of this time to blog. xD

had work today. prayed VERY VERY hard tt i wouldnt make any mistakes. n i didnt. xcept for a few minor ones. :] then i was almst scared to death sia. lol. cos i was doing my duties there ma. then my manager suddenl gave me this letter. i was like thinking, OMG. are u gonna FIRE me? lol. cos t'was stiu during work hrs so i didnt open it. tt caused me to b like, so darn moody the whole day. haha. then aft work i opened it, found out it jus turned out to b pay advice. zzz. LOL. i was like, THANK GOD. haha. oh yea. n they were actually gonna allocate a locker to me oso. was darn happy bout it. but then they pointed out the fact that i wouldnt b working frequently aft tmr, so i lost it. bummer. zzz. oh wadeva.

so far.. i onli know amira, sarah, huixin gg tp. haha. theres a few others, jus don wanna mention. oh wells. lookin fwd to gg sku with them. on d other hnd, talkin abt gg sku. jus now on d way back frm work, passed by deyi sec. saw lotsa peeps on d field n stuffs. aww. makes me kinda like, huai nian the days when i was there doing those stuffs la. haha. rmb d buncha us used to go bbal court.. d guys played n we watched, n we'd all go for ice kachang. more milk n attachchi with red beans. awww. im soo missing them.!!! hais. wonder when we'l have that chance to do so again with us going different places. haiis. alrites. so i dont really detest being young so much after all. BUT, i stiu don like being caled small. zzz.

OH YA! and i burnt my finger ytd. T.T now my finger got a small patch of burn mark. zzz. pain!!! hais- was trying to fix myself supper. i didnt eat the whole day ytd ok. then while i was fiddling with the toaster, i touched the metal part n got burnt. zzz. proof of one that hasnt used it b4. lol.

alrites. shall stop here now. papa kicking me off d chair le. bummer. oh wells. i'l tryta blog again some othe day bahs. haha. takkaire everyone. n b sure to inform me where u're gg to in case i missed u out n 4got to ask. haha. byes. takkaire. misses all you peeps!!!

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