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Thursday, January 11, 2007 | 0 Superman(s)
mms. sucha long time since i blogged agn. lol. uhh, lets update.

new year.. was alrite la. wasnt plannin to go n his knee prob went agn so..yea. spent it with mahh family. haha. seems like soo long since i spent it with mahh family. lol. i rmb 05 i spent it with hk, raven n jeremy. yea. uhh, should b. haha.

these few days keep havin parties. yupps. as in, weekends. last week was at daniel's hse. n they were like hinting this week's gonna b at mahh hse. lol. soo.. not confirmed ba. my mum oso nvr plan anyth for them soo..yea. anw there's gonna b a staff chalet on d 15th n 16th i think.. mm. cant really rmb. they say we're going there aft work for those on duty that day. yea. but i don think i gg la. aft all, im there for like, a mth onli. yea. don really know the pepo there la. jus know a few.. uhh, kennedy, rain, yen, mary, kok kit, danny....a few others. haha. the rest i cant rmb names. esp the kitchen staff. uhh, think i onli know tt guy at d sushi bar. dono his name. haah. yea. tts abt all. kinda pathetic yea? oh wells. the senior staffs are mostly from m'sia la. sooo.....u know. the usual 'unable to connect' thing. haha. cant communicate with them at all. n they usually speak cantonese. ohh. i simply CANNOT understand canton luhs.

oh yea. speakin of tt, im thinkin of changin mah job. haha. to mini toons. yea. not really sure la. cos its like, mini toons pays higher, n i think im more suited to mini toons than ichiban. seeing i jus broke the chawanmushi cup cover a few days ago...got scolded for not hearing d customer call me when they're jus bhind me n those far away can hear...got scolded for not rmbing the sushi menu...got scolded for serving stuffs to wrong customers.. lol. also the work at mini toons oso more relaxed ma. yea. abt all. so all in all, i'd most GLADLY go mini toons. BUT, point is, i told them i'd work till march when my skuu starts.. mm. n ive bin working there for only a MONTH. yea. soo, abit guilty to say i wanna quit now la. lol. yea. mayb i'l do both ba. as part-time. liddat jiu won clash le? hopefully. well, i'l first pray i'l get d mini toons job. then, i'l think abt settling my ichiban. lol.

but d gr8 thing abt ichiban is there's like, tonnes of stuffs to eat luhs. haha. got cheesecake, jelly, chawnmushi, mini chasoba.. n every sushi u can find. haha. cos when u do closing, all the sushi tts not eaten by customers wiu b thrown away. so b4 it gets thrown, we'l get to eat it. so there u go. aww. tts d onli nice thing i like abt there. haha.

and b4 i 4get.

IMPORTANT REMINDER TO ALL PARENTS / PEOPLE BABYSITTING KIDS: if u are bringing ur child out for a meal, i have no objections. but, PLEASE note. if ur child is FULL, DO NOT make anymore attempts to force it down their throats. it is OKAY for them to waste a lil' food. tts how kids are.

u know how many cases of child vomiting i hafta handle everyday?!?! omg. for goodness sake. jus hit them, scold them for wasting their food but DO NOT force it down their throats. thankew.

okays. its time for work. hais- so boring. im lookin fwd to d day at mini toons sia. lol. k la. gtg. byes.

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