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Sunday, March 04, 2007 | 0 Superman(s)
ahhs. i know i havent blogged these few days. haha. oh wells. hadta work, n its a long story.

rmb my last entry saying i didnt have work? right aft i posted tt my manager called to ask me if i could work on wed,thurs,fri. n 'cos the previus schedule i gave her for this week indicated tt i was free, i jus hadta say yes. hais- so off i went to work. LOL. things happened during the first two days. but thankfully friday was peaceful. n gr8 news is i found the source of my trouble caused. woots (:

alrites. so there u go. was busy working. then friday nite. played maple. was damn angry. ahh!! it was like, so many gazilion years ago since i was THAT angry ok. wahpiangehs. grrs. why are maplers that selfish?? like share the place wiu die liddat. AND, he dropped my fame b4 disappearing. lucky i quick sia. i oso drop his. whahahaha. xD

mms. then friday as usual went my cousin's hse. ben n estella finally came. lols. then as usual, more maple. whahaha. xD

oh yea. my cousin's wife gave birth to a pig. LOL. (pig baby ma xD) on sat morn 00.00+. so nice rite!!! 12am on d dot. woo. haha. 3/3/07. so nice. can buy 4d le. haha. the adults were all like, talking abt numbers n numbers... lol. n they stiu saying wad quit gambling. omg. wo're they trying to kid? haha. buying 4d is also a form of gambling ok. zzz.

oh yea. planned to tel my manager tt i frm nxt week jiu temp stop work de. haha. but they're like, SERIOUSLY shorthanded. lols. so i was like, asking my colleague

me: do u think rain(manager) wiu kill me if i told her i'd stop work frm next week onwards? cos im giving her a really short notice.
stephen: uhh, no. i think she'l murder u. LOL.

haha. so ive decided to continue working nxt week, then aft tt stop work for d time being. xD aint i so nice. im givin my manager time to find replacements wor. so nice. xD lol.

kaes la. tdy's post abit boring. haha. paiisehs lahs. really nth much happen. oh ya. reminds me. gotta go check my work schedule later. lol. kaes. gtg. blog another day. bb. xD

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