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Monday, December 14, 2015 | 0 Superman(s)
I think yesterday was one of my worst day EVER. seriously!

the day started out innocently enough.. i woke up at around 11plus. and obviously since the weather these days is just pure heaven, i obviously just laid in bed and refused to get up. hahaha. did some catching up on arrow! hehe (:

daddy called around 12 to ask if i wanted lunch. dental appointment was at 230 anyway, which meant that i can stay at home till 2, so i said okay for him to get lunch for me. turns out? he came back home at 150. omg ._. he came back and i was like no. i don't have time for food right now. siannnn. lol. so i went out on an empty stomach! ): and that was just the beginning of my suay day ahead.

i changed my bag that day. decided to start carrying the new bag mandy got me! since it was just lying around and all hehh. i was packing and transferring my stuff over and i saw the brolly. i was already thinking to myself that the weather's been crazy lately and it would prolly rain later. but heavy. hahahahaha. so i decided not to bring it even tho i had more than enough space in my bag. BAD DECISION #2. (first being getting my dad to buy me lunch)

OHOHOH. when i got to the mrt station, I SAW LLAO LLAO OMG. LOL. i totally didn't realise we had one in the mrt station! so amazed. hahaha. and it looked like its already been there for AGES. to think I've been passing by every single morning. checked with minghua to see if i was just unobservant or smt, but the results came back inconclusive HAHA. she had her exams this week and she hasn't been going out very often for the past week. hmm. but i don't rmb seeing the store the previous weekend when i went out, so I'm just going to assume that they've only just started operations this week. LOL. don't care.

got to somerset at about 220, since the mrt was just literally crawlingggg. to my absolute horror, IT WAS DOWNRIGHT POURING. dammit. i knew i should have taken the brolly along! ): since i had to get to orchard plaza, i had to cross the road diagonally, which involves getting wet TWICE cos there's no shelter. butbutbut! the genius me thought of an amazing idea. which was to use the overhead link tube from the shopping mall beside 313 (suddenly forgot what the mall's called) and end up opposite the road without getting wet! theoretically it works right. so i only have to cross one more traffic light, and I'll only have to get wet once! ^^ turns out? it was bad decision #3. SIGHS.

first; i spent 15mins trying to look for the entrance to the overhead bridge. hahah. totally cui ah! aiyooo. then nvm. i finally found it, and i crossed over. and then i realised, THERE WAS NO SHELTER FROM OUTSIDE CRATE AND BARREL TO CENTREPOINT. OUHMAGAWD. what to do. already there right. run in the rain lo. and along the way, there was portions without shelter as well. i ended up being SOAKING WET! ): ): ): i don't think i would have been this drenched if i just stuck to my original route of only getting rained on for 2 traffic lights. hahaha. SIAN. epic failure.

got to the dentist about 20-30mins late, and found out the previous patient actually finished early, so they were waiting for me for quite awhile already. aiyoooo. so paiseh! =x everything there went well (thankfully), then i called xm to see where they were and what the plan was, but they were busy! i think. so wilson ended up picking the call instead. here's how the whole conversation went.

Carol : so where are y'all now?
Wilson : we are outside cycling
C : okay! so will you guys be done soon? or do i have to hang around here?
W : we're only cycling in the vicinity, so we can be done anytime.
C : kay then. i'll head over now. do y'all need food? i can buy 4fingers! hehe
W : no la its okay. just come. we'll go out for dinner after that
C : huh but I'm hungry leh. nvm then. then i'll just buy for myself to eat.
W : why you so selfish one! if you're buying then buy more ma. we can all share!

hahaha. seriously. that guy is just asking for it. i complained that he was the one who rejected my offer for food and he's just happily laughing away. zzz. -bish

queued for 4fingers, then got the food. wanted to cab over but i couldn't get one! decided to just take the mrt instead since the time spent wouldn't differ too much. welcome to bad decision #4

safely got to punggol, and i was planning to take a cab to their house! BUT. i rmb seeing this lrt station that's damn close to their house and i thought to myself, why not? i checked the web and it was just 2 stops away. not bad huh. save money too, since i was at punggol mrt already anyway right? sigh. yes. you guessed it. bad decision #5.

they have really really bad signage over there and i was totally lost omg. i couldn't really understand which goes where since they have a loop system and punggol was right in the middle! nevermind. i was talking to xm at that time since she called, so i asked her for directions. cui ttm HAHA. she's another idiot who doesn't take public transport! sian. nvm. so she just told me as long as i take the side where her station name isn't grey-ed out, i should be safe. good! one side was grey-ed out and the other wasn't. simple enough right. i was walking to the other side of the platform when this lrt came. so i very naturally boarded. the very weird thing was that when i got on the train, a lot of aunty and uncles were just standing right outside the lrt, but they refused to board. okay... so that was a little weird. but nvm. I'm already inside. say hello to bad decision #6! T_T


first i went to soo teck, which was the first stop, and i was expecting it to announce oasis as the next, since i know its only two stops away. BUT NO. it was some other random name that i can't be bothered to rmb anymore. i was already half expecting it, so okay la. i was still in a good mood. it was pretty much an assumption that i took the train from the wrong direction. either way, its either 2nd stop from the front or the back right? hahaha. so i just sat and laughed at all the station names with them.

ALAS. everything that could go wrong that day, went wrong. the train made ONE WHOLE LOOP BACK TO PUNGGOL. OMG. I'm like, what is wrong with this train?! i wanted to get off at punggol, but i thought to myself, what if this time its going to loop the other way? xm also agreed! so i just stayed on the train itself. BAD DECISION #7

announcing the next station? SOO TECK. I STAYED ON THE WRONG LOOP AGAIN. OMG. i was so angry with myself! hahaha. then xm told me to get off the train at soo teck and take the opposite side back to punggol. and whaddya know? bad decision #8. i got off and saw this empty darkened lrt cabin parked on the tracks with a sign that says "Please board on the opposite platform", which was where i just came from, which was where the train i was on just left.

OMG I WAS SO UPSET ALL OF A SUDDEN. i mean, i was hungry, my chicken wings are cold (which was what upset me the most actually), and I'm lost in friggin punggol! hahaha. cannot take it omg. i was so angry i actually teared! so loser right. ): when i get really upset the first thing i do is cry, and thats actually the furthest thing from my mind actually. you totally lose the battle when you cry even before it starts. nothing screams loser more than crying. but what to do? its a knee jerk reaction. sighpie. ):

SO anyway, xm sensed i was freaking out already. i was pretty much going ballistic actually. hahah. then she told me wilson will come out and fetch me. LOL. I'm like, where am i?! oh soo teck. SOO TECK OMG. WTF IS THIS PLACE?! hahaha. so i just sat there reflecting on all my mistakes for the whole day while waiting for wilson to come. damn poor thing i tell you T_T even wilson said i looked so dejected when he saw me hahaha. sit there like some poor girl. upsetting leh aiyooooo. SIGHS.

all was pretty well afterwards. i was literally so mentally drained omg. wilson parked the car, then we went to the lift. the down button was already pressed by someone, but we were going up anyway. so i pressed the up button. after awhile the lift came, someone came out and i was about to step into the lift when wilson said the lift's going down. OMG LOL. what a close shave! HAHAHA. it was almost bad decision #8 i tell you. ALMOST. then wilson was just laughing his ass off hahahah.

FINALLY reached xm's house after 2hrs of travelling. sat down and polished my chicken wings off. they were a little soggy! and not hot anymore ): but never mind. better than nothing right! hahaha. they started seeing this 3M product list and...i couldn't understand a single shit. LOL. seriously. all in codes! =x

nua-ed awhile and then went to seletar mall for dinner and movie. watched charlie brown! kiddy show. hahaha. but it teaches values. not too bad on the overall!

so yep. thats about it.

on a side note, i lost my keyboard protector. HAHA. i seriously don't know where it is. i searched my bed, the floor and the table. it must've fell into a black hole or smt ._.

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