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Bad bad bad day.
Tuesday, November 02, 2010 | 0 Superman(s)
today was the worst day of my life i tell you. okay maybe not the worst, but the worst in physical pain. ): i give my thanks to be able to just sit(or rather lie on my bed in my case) here and use the computer! lol.

i woke up this morning, was still okay! i have supplementary classes at 3 actually! but the moment i woke up i kinda decided not to go already HAHA. cos i didnt do the tutorials yet! =x plus pohsiang was like, i dont feel like going already. do you want to NOT go? HAHAHAHA. so yah. we decided not to go in the end.

awhile later, my misery started. i ate my honey stars, went back to my room and i felt this horriblee cramp. worst ever i tell you. stand cannot, lie down cannot, half stand half lie also cannot! lol. i didnt know what to do! and the pain was just so downright horrible, i felt like crying. ): because nothing seemed to relieve the painnnnnnn. after an hour of struggling, i decided to take panadol. worst decision ever. hahaha. after i glugged the panadol down, like, 5mins? i vomitted it all out, including my honey stars, plus alot of gastric juice ): i seriously think the panadol expire already loh! since nobody in our house actually eats much of it haha. sian.

so yes the pain intensified, or maybe remained the same. just superbly painful. i forgot what i did. OH YEH I SQUATTED! hahhaah. amazingly, it felt so much better! when i was squatting that is. i know, odd position to be in, but as long as it helps! so after i squatted for awhile, felt better, stood up, immediately went back to squatting. LOL. sigh. but anyway i eventually inched myself up to bed and stayed there, for like, an eternity! haha. skipped lunch even. i was literally bed ridden. cant move ):

it wasnt until evening that i felt better to eat lo. ): so sad. after i bathed i was talking to my mum about this. then i asked her if the panadol isit spoil anot. hahaha. her reply was fabulous. "you eat medicine always vomit one what. somemore that pill so big." HAHAHAHA. i dont know why it feels funny to me, but it just does. then she was telling me that i didnt exercise enough thats why. i do admit to that though. in the morning when i climb the bridge to school i start feeling tired already LOL. =x sigh. imma climbing the stairs instead of using the lifts already, provided im not in heels that is! haha.

so yess. here i am. still having the cramps, but not as bad. i hope tmr will be better! ): goodbyeeeee.

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