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Sunday, October 31, 2010 | 0 Superman(s)
i was just looking back at all the photos they took at Homecoming Day.

YEEEEEKS! since when did our choir gown change until like that?! some ugly turquoise with transparent sleeves. HAHA. ours wasnt that great but at least its so much better. green, perfect, elegant. (: AND THEY BUILT A NEW INDOOR STADIUM IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SOCCER FIELD! LOL. i heard about it for so long already, but i didnt think it was literally ON the soccer field, in the middle of nowhere. they also changed the classroom system! when we were there we stayed in our classrooms and teachers moved. i rmb the year after i left Ms Petrina Cheong asked a couple of us to go back and help her decorate her own classroom! HAHA. now its the students thats moving. am i so glad they didnt implement this when i was there. all my textbooks for the year was stored either under my table, or in the locker outside! :D my bag was quite empty usually. hahahaha. my table also v colourful one. all my baby photos. LOL.

oh yeah they also dont take attendance already, or so it seems. they use electronic tap readers now. haha! so much has changedd. sigh. i dont want to grow uppp. ):

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