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Oh, its tiring.
Monday, October 25, 2010 | 0 Superman(s)
assignments are all going to be due soooon! this saturday's the deadline for ISORG essay, and i havent even started yet! ): the HRM teacher never fails to remind us at the start of every lesson that our test & assignment papers are due on the same day, 2weeks later. and today, FR dropped a pretty magnificent bomb of 2000-2500words essay! its only 25m loh. he expects to see 4pages ): sigh. he said every 5marks is worth about a page of NORMAL handwriting.

im feeling the stress already ): i killed myself for nothing on sunday lo. rushed through the tutorial for FR, which had 12qns not counting the a,b,c & d-s. almost every question is 25m, except for a few 10m. imagine the amount of trees and ink i killed! hahah. THE WORST THING IS, today i went to lessons, AND HE SAID THERE WAS NO NEED TO DO, ALL WE HAD TO DO WAS BRING IT. WHATTHEHELL! ): i really wanted to kill myself. forced myself to finish it cos he was so fierce and i was so afraid he'd roar at me! end up also no need to do ): i felt so dumb. AHHH! RAWRRRRRRRRR

sigh. the next few weeks are going to be crazzzehhhhhh for me! please pray hard i dont die ): when you see me online, tell me to get lost and do my papers. im serious! HAHA. i need constant reminderssss. kamsahamida. its 12, i havent bathed, have classes at 830. tmr's staying in school to try get my ISORG paper done! wish me luckkkk (:


since im here waiting for my hair to dry, i shall whine somemore. HAHA.
i really feel im going to get kidney failure or something sooon! ): its either no food, fried food, fast food or frozen food. eh but i realised, this crab&cheese sandwich from 7-11. SUPER NICE LEH! HAHAHAH. plus its so fastttt! i grab it on my way home, microwave it for 30seconds AND YUMMMMM! (: (: (: but its a little expensive. $2.50 for that pathetic thing. sigh. i buy 2 $5 already. i need more choices in my fooood. ive been eating that almost everyday. hahahaha. think the 7-11 person recognise me already. LOL.

im want good food! eugene faster get your driving license! then we can go somewhere else other than amk for supper HAHA. okay im really tired already.


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