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Saturday, November 10, 2007 | 0 Superman(s)
just reached home. went to support guozhi at ITE Simei just now. so sad. TP lost. they got 2nd. the score was like, 19-21. so close can. summor guozhi kinda, made the critical mistake and they won. =/ he was soooo moody when we went for supper just now. but i think we made him happy (:

we bought icecream, brought him to the playground and played alot. hahaha. we spun him on the merry-go-round. and when he spun eric, we could tell he was venting all his anger. owells. (: least he's not keeping it inside.


we all believe you can do it de. dont so sad alr lah!


oh and,


she's 18, and im jealous. im not even officially 17 yet.


okays. took photos today, but with joanne. shall post them asap. gotta sleep now. tmr going ZOO for comm service. im games master!! luckily im not in-charge of any kiddys, if not the world would be turned upside down. =/

kkays. nights.

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