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Saturday, November 10, 2007 | 0 Superman(s)
back from ZOO. overall it was nice (: kiddys weren't as bratty as i pictured them out to be. they were so fun. kinda turned 2 tones darker too. ohwells. ):

oh and i forgot to mention this ytd. we were at ITE simei for gz's competition mah. then there was this sports manager or whatever he is. he came to ask me if i played sports, cos he said ive got GOOD HEIGHT. =DD see!! im so NOT short okay. im damn happy over this. haha! he's got GOOD EYES. (:

kk. tired. gonna rest abit now. slept at 1plus last night and woke up at 7 this morning. =.= im so lacking sleep. my eyebags arent going away man. kinda stressed out with schoolwork too. projects are pilling...okays. rest now. bye.

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