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Saturday, October 27, 2007 | 0 Superman(s)
first of all,


ytd was their bday. sad case. i only rmbed today. bwahahaha =x

ok so, ytd. it was one of the worst days i had.
FIRST MISHAP: woke up late for school.
SECOND MISHAP: was late so i wore my sleepwear to school without realising.
THIRD MISHAP: realised i forgot my things only when i was halfway to hub.
FOURTH MISHAP: was late so might as well take a cab. waited a bloody half hour for 1 to come.
FIFTH MISHAP: when the uncle finally came, i got onto taxi, told him TP. and he actually asked. "WHERE IS IT?" omg. i almost felt like banging on a wall.
SIXTH MISHAP: i didnt realise that the journey was so fast and i reached school super early. kinda like, the EARLIEST. =.=
SEVENTH MISHAP: had lecture the whole day. thought i was going to fweeeze to death. turns out t'was quite hot. hot as in, really HOT.
EIGHTH MISHAP: bus on the way back, AIRCON SPOILT. OMGEE.! what is this?!

seriously. what is with me these days man.

celebrating alicia's bday later. its kinda like, a brought fwd one. cos her bday's on 31st. she's 22 alr. so fast. im gonna be OFFICIALLY 17 soon (: and the next thing i'l do is claim im 18. haha! which is a fact OKAY. once the year passes, i turn a year older, regardless of when's my bday. bwahahahaha. ok random. random rocks (:

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