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Thursday, November 08, 2007 | 0 Superman(s)

i realised ive been going out alot and returning home really late these few days.

went out to celebrate gina's birthday today. sorta. her bday's on sat. but since we're going to end at 4 tmr and everyone has like, activities tmr aft sku alr, so, we decided to celebrate it today. plus! she's gonna celebrate with her BF on sat mah, so, yeaps. haha.

we were all supposed to meet at 12.30 at cityhall mrt. going marina sq. woke up only at 11.45. but eric was kinda, worse than me. =DD he smsed me at 12 to tell me he JUST woke up. and counting the distance from where he lives and where i live, im still at an advantage. least im not going to be last. (:

boarded mrt at approx 12.25 and reached there at around 12.40. it was meant to be a surpise for gina thou. as in, yifang&panda would ask gina out on pretext of shopping, then we would meet them outside yukiyaki and pretend its a coincidence =D so it was kinda early mah. cos i think the girls were still shopping. so we all went to the arcade first. haha! me,jo,ann played the 3person thing. the 3colours n u'd have to hit it that one. yeaps.

played till 1plus then went yukiyaki. and as planned, we very 'coincidentally' met the girls. haha! and gina kinda, really believed singapore was really THAT small. (: the food there is really nice thou!! its like, theres steamboat, the pan where u fry things, and there's sushi!! aww. it rocks. then after that, we went toilet and eric called me to ask whether we wanted to get a cake for her. and when we all came out, the guys were carrying a small cake in their hands. AWWWW. SO SWEET!! xDD they just bought the cake from a place nearby which was SUPER ex.

then we just sang a happy birthday song there and then for her. haha! she was sooooooo scared that we'd smash her lah. i think its called, watch and learn. hahaha. or something like that lah. cant really find a word to describe it. i think she see us smash the bday ppl too many times alr. (: so after that, gina went off cos she had to go to a friend's bday party. so the 10 of us decided to go watch a movie. wanted to watch The Game Plan, but the tickets for 430 was left with 2rows from the front, and the next slot was 715.

sooo, we decided to go cineleisure. the place called e2 something. cant really rmb. its on the 9th floor and its a place where u can book a room to play games, watch movies or whatever u want. yupp. the outside's like a lan shop thou. hahahha. so many comps. omg. so in the end we got a room with 4comps and 2tv sets. cos the rooms without comps are cheaper, but not enough space to fit us all so.. yeaa. but the price was alright lah. it was 20plus for an hour. we booked it for 2hrs. dividing it, each only costs $5. soo, yeaps. i think its only worth it when u have so many ppl. we rented the dvd too. Vacancy. watched that inside. hahaha. it wasnt really horror lah. it would just, like, scare u by popping outta nowhere. darn. shoulda gotten The Maid. =/

aft watching Vacancy, was left with about half hour so they just played some random car racing game on the xbox console there. LOL. stupid game. you could be 5th but become 1st just by going off track. hahaha! stupid game. had a really nice laugh over it. =D funny. i think we all suck at driving man. hees (:

went to the kopitiam opp cine for dinner. mann. was real hungry. and i dont know why!! OMG. plus i ate quite alot at buffet during lunch lo.(i think) had simply no idea why i was that hungry. but in the end, we all ordered fried oysters(oh lua), char kuay teow, and lalas. of all, i ate only the char kuay teow and the egg of the oh lua. hahaha. im so glad i dont eat oysters n lalas. they say it sucked. their seafood wasnt fresh AT ALL. ahwells. i think it sucked too. tried the ohlua and i spit it out. partially cos i didnt even like it from the beginning. yupyup (:

went off at around 930. and! WE SAW SABER!! hahaha. he's darn funny. we were talking halfway, he suddenly appeared beside me then say 'class outing never call me ah!' haha! so funny!! then we were like, so agitated *meaning so shocked that we made so much noise*, that his frens that he went out him was like, kinda protecting him liddat. they formed a circle around him. hahahaha. hilarious. everyone was so shocked to see him (:

went home after that, and now we're starting to plan for jo's bday. she's the next. 18th nov. haha. cos its on a sun, they asked whether to celebrate on sat or sun. called her to ask her which dat she preferred and in the end, she said she wasnt willing to meet us at all. hahaha! another traumatised victim. =DD we'l still be going ahead with the plans anyhows. who cares whether she's willing or not. haha! =x

alrights. really tired, really fat. haha. i think i ate quite alot today (: mann. the slimming project is never going to start. poot. =/ gonna bathe now. byebye.

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