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Friday, October 19, 2007 | 0 Superman(s)
was just watching this anime. so sad. the sister was made to kill his brother in the end. poor thing. cried nuts.

korkor just came back from brunei today. bought me a black strap with my name. heard it must be custom made. it even has the singapore flag on it. (: im so happy. and i love my brother. i know its super random. but, i really love my brother. (: he's a really gentleman too. he helps out at home n stuffs. when we go out, he even pulls the door for me. ironic thou. we dont talk. and we kinda argue whenever we talk althou the last time we aruged was like, dono how many years ago. owells. but still, he remembers me when he's overseas, and im happy. super happy. im cherishing the strap. really really cherish it =DD

HE'S THE BEST KORKOR ONE CAN EVER GET (: loves him. loads. im serious.

alrights. thats all for now. tmr's gz bday. we're going out to celebrate. nxt post'l most probably b image heavy, so..yea. bye.

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