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Friday, October 19, 2007 | 0 Superman(s)
3rd post for the day. LOL. im really bored =D cousin just came to my house. n his mum scoldedme for giving him a bday present jus cos he asked for one. LOL. nvm la. i'l wait till my bday comes eh cousin? (: he was having so much FUN with my cube. althou he's a total idiot to it. haha! andand! he refused to let me teach him lo. tsktsk. stubborn cousin. =x

what follows is just some random things. yeap.

01. Do you have a tattoo?
nopes. i think they're disgusting.

02. How old are you?
SIXteen going on SEVENteen. preferrably referred to as 17 (:

03. Are you single or taken?
single but unavailable. i guess (:

04. Fish?
mm. never fished. love steamed fish thou.

05. Do you dream in color?
heh? meaning?

06. Ever seen a corpse?
inside a coffin, yea. guama. few years back.

07. Hipsters or Hillbillies?
um, dont understand qn. but i do wear hipsters.

08. How did we meet?
siaowei's blog.

09. What's your philosophy on life and death?
the earlier u die, the better it is. what for live so long.

10. If you could do anything with me, and have no one know, what would it be?
if i said it here, everyone would know.

11. Do you trust the police?
they arent that fantastic, but they're said to be one of the best worldwide..so, yea. u get my point (:

12. Do you like musicals?

13. What is your fondest memory of me?
whn i was small. i was tired n my korkor piggy-backed me all the way home. lift was spoilt and he piggy-backed me up 7 stories. sweet (:

14. If you could change anything about yourself what would it be?
getting irritated easily

15. Would you cheat ?
depends on what the thing is. feelings, exams, friends, nono.

16. What are you wearing?
uhh, green spaghetti & shorts.

17. Have you ever peed in a pool?
LOL. yea. when i was a kid. hahaha. WHO DOESNT?!

18. Would you hide evidence for me if I asked you to?
crime commited?

19. If I only had one day to live, what would we do together?
watch the sunrise, watch the suset. things would never go wrong as long as ure with me =D

20. Which do you prefer - short or long hair?
LOL. ive been trying to keep LONG LONG hair for a LONG LONG time. but i always cut it halfway ):

21. What's your favourite day of the week?
seeing the new timetable, its gotta be thursday =D

22. What's your favourite colour?

23. If you could bring back anyone that has passed, who would it be?
ahma, ahgong and esp guama. i miss her loads. if i could just hear her call me once again ):

24. Tell me one interesting/odd fact about you?
mm. i dont know. imma boring person.

25. What was your first impression of me?
time to kill boredom.

26. Have you ever done drugs?
never did, never will.

27. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you?
yeayea. i posted,i filled. stupid quizzes give stupid questions, which stupid ppl do.

alrights. that kinda sums up my random post =D byebye!

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