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Tuesday, October 02, 2007 | 0 Superman(s)
ytd was eugene's bday.


i wished him ytd already ok! so im not that late. haha. just forgot to blog it.

mm. had IG meeting ytd. not bad. fun. hahaha. i was kinda randomly taking photos everywhere i went =x they were all laughing at me like crazy lo. thanks eh. hahaha. oh yea. we've decided on organising a camp for our cohort too =D strictly for us only. hahaha. owells. its to bond us tgt (:

LIFE has been boring. BUT, this has been the most eventful week of my whole holiday. lol. monday had IG meeting, tuesday went to renew passport, wednesday going to gz hse, thursday gg kbox/out with yf, friday free, sat work, sun free. mm. not bad. im occupying myself with things. most of the time im kinda staying at home. hahaha.

andand! im not eating nowadays. mm. i just cant find the urge to eat. its either im not hungry, or im hungry but i dono what to eat. cos its like, a craving for something, but i dono wads that. so in the end, i eat nothing. BUT! no good, im eating loadsa junk stuffs, so im still getting fat =/

ok. thats all for my super random post. cya! =D

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