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Friday, October 12, 2007 | 0 Superman(s)

went overnight cycling with the clique (: it was supposed to be the whole class la, but somehow..it turned out to be our clique only. lol. ppl who went were me, joanne, guozhi, hoishek, alex, tzehowe. lets see..

met jo at arnd 630 at bedok. took 31 to marine parade cos we were supposed to meet at the parkway parade macs. yupyup. gz, hs and alex came at around 730. aft tt, tzehowe and ann came. so we went parkway parade for dinner. ann joined us only for dinner ma. so she went back after dinner. yeap.

ate at the foodcourt there. mm. the food was alright la. jo & i shared one bowl of ching chao. hahaha. so funny. cos we not hungry ma! when we waited for the guys to come we already shared one large fries at macs. lol. =x

so after dinner, we walked to this underpass that leads straight to east coast park. so funny. walked to rent our bikes. gz & hs came down with their own bikes ma, so they didnt rent. quite cheap la. overnight rental only $7. lol. and they regretted bringing their own bikes. cos our bikes were better, AND, we didnt have to ride them all the way home. haha. =D so we rode on for awhile, then we met eric.

he was working at sony gallery at parkway ma. so he joined us after work (: ANDAND! he brought us to pub! =D aiiseh. so nice. haha. t'was around 10 liddat. if i not wrong. yeaps. BUTBUT! he dont let me drink ): tt idiot ordered FRUIT PUNCH for me! f3. ): so sad can. haha. but luckily the fruit punch was nice. abit sour. and u know how much i love sour stuffs, so yea. haha. alright la. the guys ordered one jug of margerita. or however u spell it. mm. yea. alright la. tasted abit. so bitter. but they said it was alright lei. they said it was bitter sweet. haha! siao. i didnt taste ANY HINTS of sweetness inside. lol. eric went back after the drink. twas around..12plus. yupyup. then we began our cycling journey. hahaha.

dono who suggested, we go to chomp chomp for supper. SIIAAAOOO. from east coast all the way till serangoon lei! YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW BLOODY FAR THAT IS?! lol. and so we went. on our bikes. went up so many uphills. i almost died halfway. we took a bloody 2hrs to get there lo. hahaha. then in the end, when we reached, IT WAS CLOSED. !@$@#%#^$%&$&$#!@! lol. so in the end, we went RK house for prata. the same place where the sound vid was taken. LOL. hilarious. mm.

sat and slacked for quite awhile. and they were all watching the desperate housewives that was showing on tv. hahaha. yupyup. someone suggested going macs. cos got aircon. BUT! the macs at serangoon wasnt 24hrs. soo..yea. haha. sat on the benches around there and chatted. i kinda, drifted in and outta sleep. LOL. too tired whaatt! =x

slacked there until around 4 and made our way back. funny. we thought we were going to die. cos when we came down, there was this very very VERY long slope down ma. so we feared the way back. haha. LUCKILY, tzehowe knew another way back, which was MORE DOWNSLOPES than up. hoorayy! im loving him for that. hahaha. i think if there were anymore upslopes, i die for u to see. lol. =D

our journey back took only 1hr. ... CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?! lol. but we all went back with hands sore, feet cramped, butt pains. ): we slacked at the jetty there for awhile. then decided to go macs. COS! the floor there was SUPER HARD. haha. and our butts were like, so pain already. its pain + pain ok! =x then at macs gz left to go his fren's hse bathe at arnd 7, tzehowe left at arnd 8plus cos he got work. lol. so funny. so the 4 of us slacked at macs waiting for gz to come back. ate macs breakfast.

went to return bikes at 9. cabbed home after that. lol. super tired. i think i'l die on the bus b4 i reach home. yeap. went home, bathed, and slept. haha. i think my eyebags are terrible. i slept all the way till 8 lo. hahaha. =D and i thought it was 8 in the MORNING. cos nobody at home ma! haha. and there i was wondering whats with the sky, why so dark. zzz.

ok! enough liao. lol. i'l go use my papa's leg massager already. mann. i cant walk properly. my feet so sore ): how i wish there was a butt massager too ): alrights. cya. byebye.

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