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Monday, October 22, 2007 | 0 Superman(s)
first day of school.
cos we were spared from tutorial&lab lessons for the first week of school,
we started school at 11am today.
and some freaking idiot smsed me at EIGHT am in the MORNING and woke me up.
and you know how i hate to be disturbed when im sleeping.
PLUS, the message was just a,
OMG. and it was an unknown number.
almost threw my phone on the floor when i saw that.

had Business Statistics lecture today.
its maths. amaths.
i saw the Log thing appear.
its acutally something like,
a continuation of the statistics on the last chapt of emath txtbk.
the probability that chapt.

ohoh andand!
im taking psychology this sem.
on second thought, think mentioned that already.
imma psychic (:

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