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Monday, July 30, 2007 | 0 Superman(s)
TMR IS PRESENTATION DAY. or rather, later.
im sooo dead. =/ they keep saying im going like a machine gun. siao liao. i not so nervous oreadi so fast, if tmr v nervous i think i'l b going at bullet train speed. haha! owells. im praying really really hard ):

hmms. went joanne's hse for project jus now, to sorta rehearse for our presentation. i was really really angry at someone thou, wont mention names. zz. im really getting seriously irritated by him le. CANT HE JUST LEAVE ME ALONE? wth. and dont think i dont know lo. the subject was me. zz. whatever. i just cant be bothered to argue anymore.

on a happier note, ALICIA bought me a MISS WHATEVER pencilcase. hahaha. its looks FABULOUS. =D i jus so love her. lol. i think she think i say too much whatever already. hmms. boh pian. say too long, bcum habit le. haha. =x

okok. i btr go sleep now. tmr's presentation will b a KILLER. *gulps* alrighty. NIGHTS EVERYONE! =D

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