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Sunday, May 20, 2007 | 0 Superman(s)
just completed my work for CSA. boring. im left with POM & research for CommSk. CSA&POM's due on monday. CommSk is on tuesday. super boring. n to think i was so happy at getting rid of english okays. there came commsk happily popping out. zz. its not an exam module, but we haf tests for it. tuesday's our test. its a 600word compo. *drops jaw* omg. my compos were about 600plus words ONLY when it was a really nice storyline, which didnt happen everytime. omg. *freaking out* plus we stiu hafta do REASEACH on our topics okays. & we're allowed to bring it to the test. sighs. its onli 1.5 hrs. dammit. im so gonna flunk it.

im feeling fat these days. man. i nidta jianfei. mus do more exercise. 'bin sleeping too much already.

AND I WANNA WEAR SPECS! used to hate them. but now, i want them. they look so cool can! MOST IMPORTANTLY, it'd make my eyes look BIGGER. yays. xD now im jus waiting for my eyes to spoil. then i can wear it. dont wanna wear those w/h degrees. like so waste money lohs.. ohwells.

okays..im now addicted to crunchyroll again. wow. seems like sucha long time sia. used to b comics, then youtube, then dvds, now crunchyroll. haha. dammit. ive sucha low resist-temptation level. ohwells.

tmr's tutorial was cancelled, or so i heard. so that leaves APEL class frm 10-11, then im free&easy. sighs. like so no point. sighs. nvm. we'l b completing our projects tmr anyways. sooo...yeaa.

we're having our mid sem tests starting on 1stJune, or so i think. dammit.


outta here.


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