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Monday, March 12, 2007 | 0 Superman(s)
its freaking stuffy in here~! zzz. im in sucha bad mood this whole day luhs. hot weather simply turns me off. tsktsktsk. worse, i jus found out my room fan borke down. ... ahhh!!! *breaksdown* OMG! how can it?? at a time like this??? how'm i gonna live?! sighs. im sooo gonna melt okaes. PLEASE LET IT RAIN! ):

finally found the right patch to d/l (or so i think?). hope i ca get it se3ttled b4 730 ltr. whahaha. 730-830 got double exp n drop rate. woots. xD it started from 9th. so means i missed a few days le wor. zzz. mus pia liaos. haha. yay! its finally going back to the old maple days.... [:

tmr gg out with hs n sarah. to xintiandi. lol. lets see if we'l meet anymore monks. xD its bin like, quite long since i really stayed there to check out what were the new ones. yea. soo, got the feelin im gonna spend lots again tmr. hees. [: then wed i think im gg back sku. get my class fotos, shun bian check out choir. haha. seems they changed alot n are facing some kinda probs now. yea. u all mus jiayoous!! its d crucial period now. we're jus one lil' step away from d GOLD we so want. yupps. don gif up!! hang in there [: i'l buy u each a hangar. lol. tts wad my tchr used to say. xD

yays. [91%] faster faster.... oh ya. jus rembered tt i havent recieved d package from TP. yea. we're supposed to recieve one regarding our enrolment... o.O guess TP donwan me le. lol. i suddenly, don feel like gg TP anymore. 'cos its like, darn far. lol. PLUS, sarah n huixin wanna transfer to NYP. zzz. didnt ask them if they had successful applications. crossing fingers.. =X my papa oso very against me gg TP. he wants me to haf more slp, therefore he's for NYP. haha. he's even more anxious to get me transferred to NYP la. haiis- dono la. see how. i'l see where sarah n huixin goes first bahs. yupps.

o.O patching fin liaos. haha. kaes. i'l go try it out. blog another time bahs. byes. xD

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