Saturday, June 28, 2008 | 0 Superman(s)
its a beautiful saturday morning.AND IM AWAKE AT 4AM STUDYING LAW.
what is this?!
dont like ):
nothings going inn.
and my tummy hurts like crazy.
i think its gastric. mm.
obiterdicta; quantummeruit; ratiodecidendi; contraproferendum rule
i totally gave up on memorising all the case studies.
only memorising for the 1st law of contracts!
which i think would be rendered useless for AILAC behind..
and i was informed yesterday that i needed to attend the AGM,
in secondary school uniform (:
where the hell do i get that?!
i think i threw it away, either that or its somewhere in the wardrobe stuck in a pile of mess.
btw, who even wears school uniform to school??
fine i agree that its nice,
getting us to wear that again. i can reminicise. :D :D :D
FINE. i shall go dig it out.
either that or borrow someone else's.
OKAY. back to law.
wish me luck ):