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Friday, June 06, 2008 | 0 Superman(s)

hahah. but like, quite sad eh.
its just 2 weeks only.
hmm. i duno. but i forsee nothing good.

firstly, projects are pilling up wayyyyy high.
secondly, theres loads to be settled for investment club.
thirdly, alicia's leaving.

i swear, i would cry my lungs out. T.T
she's my only best beloved cousin.
she was the one who was always there for me.
she was the one who cheered me up when i was sad.
she was the one who would specially go all the way to vivo with me just cos i wanted to get ONE item.
she was the one who would listen to all my rants without a single complaint.
she was the ONLY one i had 1oo% confidence in.
she was the one who trusts me 1oo% too.
she was the one who i could confide in without worries. the only one.

now she's leaving. not coming back already. ):
eighteen years. i cant imgaine what will i do without u.
AND YOU! i still rmb you tried to poision my when i was young by feeding me powder.
hahahaha. maybe thats why im abit slow now -.-
you promised to bring me go clubbing when i turned eighteen kay.
how can u break your promise??
im going to miss you truckloads.


okay coming back. today, was alright la. didnt start the day very well thou. didnt study at all for cma, other than completing like, half of the mock test only. lol. so i planned to wake up at 6 to revise. snoozed my alarm from 5.30 till 8 :D :D :D i mean! haha. duno. just simply felt tooooo tired to wake upp. papa&mama tried to wake me up at 7. cos they normally wake up at that time, which by then, i'd be up and studying already. yea. but sad to say they failed la. obviously since i woke up at 8. lol. not bad leh! i think i made improvements. i rmb talking to them. HAHAHA. i know. sounds retarded, but i used to not be able to rmb even having a conversation with anyone kay. lol.

woke up, went to wash up, and i vomitted 3 times. -.- i have no idea what was wrong with me. lol. i started looking for sour sweets. couldnt find any. so just ate some random super sweet sweet. and thanks to that i vomitted again. hahaha. damn sickening feeling please. cos there was nothing in my stomach, and all that came out was soury gastric juice. like, wth. lol. went out after like, the fifth time. took 25. bus was freaking cold, for whatever reasons. i was fweeeezing. sneeeezing too.

reached school damn early please. 9am leh. haha. paper starts at 11 -.- hahaha. went cheers to get some sweets. was feeling quite okay already la. but i thought i was damn early. then i saw yunkwang. LOL. he's damn cute i tell you. he told me he spent 7hrs just studying that. hahaha. i was like, whhhaaaat?! i didnt even study up to 4hours in total lo. lol. sat there with him until my class people came.

paper was easy :D haha. i finished in like, half an hour. i was practically sitting there waiting for someone i knew to go out, then i'l go. lol. in the end the lucky one was yongwen. hahaha. he was just sitting beside me.

went upstairs to collect boe proposal, then to itas to get leadership proposal. waited outside lib aft that for the rest. they planned to go theme park! and i felt sick again. T.T couldnt go. had the i-will-vomit-anytime-feeling. HAIYO. in the end they scold me pangseh again. ):

it was raining when i reached amk. AND I FORGOT TO BRING MY BROLLY!! ): what to do. walk in the rain lo. now im coughing and sneeezing like crazy. haha. so cool can. i cant even rmb when was the last time i had a flu. i like flu. duno why, but. yea. hahaha.

kay! end here. i'l go get some sleep now. super tired from these past few days.

OHOH! one more. i was playing with my rubiks cube just now. then papa came over to ask me to re-teach him. taught him before, but he forgot already. hahaha. almost vomit blood can! lol. he's damn cute. hahaha. i told him im going to get another rubiks cube for him for fathers day. and u guess what he said?? "as long as u dont cook can already" HAHAHA. superrr mean can! cos i cooked on mothers day. it was supposed to be crepe. when i gave to mama, she commented my pancake wasnt fluffy enough. LOL. like, omg. she just took a few knives and stabbed me with it. crepes are supposed to be CRISPY not FLUFFY. hahaha. ok random.

kaykay. byebye. (:


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