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Tuesday, January 08, 2008 | 0 Superman(s)
alex was officially 18years old on 7th Jan.


hahah. we went out after school that day to celebrate his birthday. it was monday. feel so badddd. we made him wait quite longg. hehe. 'cos it was the deadline for passing up of FA project also. and we kinda made quite a few amendments to our project and took time soo.. yea. he left early what. he left immediately after class to go meet his friend and collect yet more presents. ahaha.

so we met him at around 6plus 7 at cityhall mrt. poor boyyy. he was there waiting for so long already. like so mean to make him wait so long, alone, on his 18th birthday. SORRY ALEX! ookkk then us 3 girls gave the excuse that jo had menses and we went toilet then they went ahead. we sneaked back to breadtalk to get the cake. after that jo&ann went topshop to get the present while i went to meet them supposedly to distract their attention :D

ate swensens. played stupid games. hahah. stupidly funny. we played band names, singer names, food, body parts, general items, fruits. whatever u think of we played it. hahah. oh! and we ordered this icecream thing for alex. and since it was his birthday, it was on the house. so niceee! >:} he got smashed on the face with some whipped cream there by eric thou. lolzzz. then we shifted outside to prepare for PART TWO!

I SINCERELY BELIEVE IN RETRIBUTION. rofl. jo&me ran infront so as not to let him notice the cake and to prepare to surprise him. who knows they were behind DISCUSSING TO SMASH THE BOTH OF US! omggg. that idiots. then when alex came he acted like he was surprised in a really FAKE and EXGAGGERATED way can! lol. stupid. then they purposely made ME hold the cake for alex, then smash me. IDIOTS!! hahahahh. lucky i run fast luhs! in the end eric's plan backfire. alex got to smash him first :DD hahahah! damn hilarious i tell u. then when finally eric pinned alex down and managed to smash him, geezie went to smash ERIC when eric thought he was gonna smash alex. HAHAHA! YOU SHOUDA SEEN HIS FACE MAN. he was totally betrayed. LOLLLLL. see! this is what u get for trying to smash me. hurhur :D

after that went to somewhere else to eat the cake. cos they were afraid we would get caught. we pratically dirtied the whole place up. even the shop's glass pane. hahah. went to sit at the long stairs facing the esplanade. they suggested to try sneaking into DXO thou, but so not worth! $23 and we're only going to stay for an hour. tsktsk. so we sat on the stairs to finish up the rest of the cake and played truth or dare. LOLLL. i tell you. you can never know what is in those people's heads man. we did seriously stupid things there.

pictures for newyeareve is uploaded already. click here. but we took mostly videos thou..and im kinda forbidden to upload them BUT! thou shalt find thy way to upload thy pictures. TIAN WU JUE REN ZHI LU. bwahahahah. :}

long enough. shall blog another day. byebye


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