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Friday, January 04, 2008 | 0 Superman(s)
mm. havent been blogging for so long alr. cant blame. i have a boring life. hurhur. its been like, projects all the way..and we still cant balance fa!! hmmmmm... im feeling abit guilty thou. didnt really contribute alot for macro tdy too. oh damn. i just hateee econs. :/ alright. i hate studying. teehees.

oh and, dont keep saying im emo alr. im not luhs. just feeling so disappointed with a few people. not in the mood for anything these days. dont even have the mood to go out with my clique. this is bad. i'l have to start getting my mood back alr. if not they wont even bother to ask me out next time. ): ohwells. thats life for you. haha.

recently did the IQ and EQ test for psycho. i got like, 95 for my EQ test. relatively low thou, seeing the average was 85-110. but it feels like i scored quite high thou. haha. mm. got higher for my IQ test. forgot the score but im certain it was above 100. ahwells.

i realised i havent talked about my new year resolution too. ok here goes,

-improve my relationship with korkor
-spend more time with my family
-try to improve my general knowledge and not get laughed at that often, althou i dont know how, but thats another topic altogether :]
-curb my temper. dont get irritated so easily
-GPA 3.8, which is close to impossible, but i will try really hard.
-be nicer to my friends
-dont talk so much. i think im too talkative sometimes
-dont be too trustful. people come people go, no one ever really stays. its always been and always will be like that.
-ok the last one will be left for myself! :]

ok thats enough. theres project again at 9am tmr. sleep early, i might wake early. byebye.


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