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Monday, September 24, 2007 | 0 Superman(s)
dont know why, but im still feeling really tired even after that much sleep. lol.

alrights. about the chalet.. t'was fun fun fun! =D im soooo loving my class (:

wednesday (day 1)
woke up at 7. had to prepare the jelly. man. that was darn early. seeing i slept at 3am the previous morning. then went outta house at 1030. was gonna meet gz at bedok inter at 1130 cos he was gonna bring me to his hse. hahaha. its not my fault i dont know the way there ok! ive only been to his house, say, 4 times. and it was always from school. and and! there were the others going with me too. lol. =x okok. back to topic. so met him liao, took another bus to his house. then, sat his mum's car to go get the stuffs. we went giant. at ikea there.

it was around 12plus by the time we got there ma. so we ate lunch first. hmms. so wierd. summor they met gz's mum's office cleaner there. so we all ate together. can u imagine? after that we went shoppng for the stuffs. kinda left his mum and the aunty behind us. haha. cos too wierd liao. then gz told me the aunty was like asking his mum am i his gf. zzz. i knew sth like that would happen. owells. had fun thou. haha. embarrassing things happen you know. hees. SO MALU! =x

was done by around, 2. so we set off for ARANDA! reached by about 215. cos check-in time was 230, we both sat at the entrance waiting like idiots for jojo. haha. turns out the sengkang gang reached at 2pm lo. just that they were waiting INSIDE while we were OUTSIDE. so funny (:

room number 2213. jo&me rushed up to chop the better room. haha! we got the queen sized bed bedroom =D yayness! then after thinking, BOTH the rooms should be ours. hahaha. guys should be GENTLEmen you know. LOL. so after failing to snatch the room back, we decided to do with the pillows. haha. jo&me went crazy just trying to snatch the pillows from the guys. panda and the rest went swimming, so the room was kinda empty xcept for our clique.


jo&me VS jon&josiah&alex

see! so unfair. tsktsk. and they kept tricking us to go into their room then they'l hold the other side of the door. BUTBUT! they didnt realise their toilet was connected to kitchen. hahahaha. so we came out the other side. LOL. brawns without brains =D HAHA! was practically rolling on the floor with laughter. andand! the guys are so mean can! when jo&me tried to snatch the pillows, they threw blankets over us and rolled us here and there. hahaha. CHILDISH! tsktsk. but fun la =D

FINAL SCORE : we left them with ONE pillow. the rest was OURS!! =D

grew tired, and decided to rest. hahaha. realised the guys were exceptionally quiet, so we decided to see what they were doing. found them all in the room watching FantasticFour on hs's lappy. squeezed in tgt with them to watch it. haha. so cosy. i love my class (: then, hs's lappy died on us. LOL. it kinda jammed and jus, died. hahaha. so funny. then we were left with nothing to do liao. SO, jo took out her twister, and we all played.

(twister is the game where its this mat, with alot of diferent colours then there's this wheel to turn, to see where each of ur limbs will be. for eg, right leg on red, left leg on blue. that kinda thing.) one word to describe it. FUN FUN FUN!!! i laughed so much my cheeks had cramps. hahaha. cos the guy's hands may end up near a another guy's body part and they will go, "OI OI OI! CAREFUL!" hahaha. shoulda videotaped it down man. but we did take a few photos thou (:

after that i helped call for the mahjong table. cos eric was supposedly bringing the cards, but he wasnt coming until in the evening cos he had to work. hmm. BUT! order the mahjong come liao oso nobody play lo. lol. kinda forgot how we passed the first day.

went out marketing for some last minute things at cheers there. then, realised the stingray was too big, so me&alex went knocking on doors trying to borrow a knife. haha. i helped cut the stingray too! stupid bones. so hard. lol. plucked corns, did some last minute preparations, and we went down to start the pit at around 6plus.

by then most arrived already. starting the pit was fun!! i didnt do anything thou. left it to the guys. hahaha. didnt wanna get my hands dirty. BUT! in the end it still got dirty la. COS! i saw everyone sitting there, sian sian, so i went smacking everyone's face with charcoal. LOLOL. and i turned the whole class on me bcos of that. hahaha. nvm la. happy jiu hao =D

didnt eat much thruout the bbq thou. i was the 'butter girl'. hahaha. we used 2 pits, so i went round butter-ing the food (: fun! althou i was darn tired after that. mum sent me the jelly i made that morning at around 7plus. cos i didnt have enough hands to bring it in the morning, seeing i had to help with carrying the stuffs. hmms. and them! when i said i was making jelly, they all say its inedible lo! when i brought it, they were all snatching for it. lol. idiots. but its nice! you cant deny that =D im nice also ok! i went round feeding the ppl bbq-ing stuffs jelly. cos they v ke lian ma..they bbq the food then ppl eat. they oso haven eat. see! im nice. food's nice too. LOLOL.

kinda went upstairs b4 the bbq ended. was freaking tired, and smelly. haha. so chiong to bathe. cos later everyone sure fight for it oso ma. so i'd b the first =D BUTBUT! i went in, the water was SO COLD! gawdd. i was practically fweeezzingg. ): then i came out, told the rest water very cold, THEN THEY SCOLD ME STUPID! cos i never on heater. hahahaha. how i know?! LOL. i mean, my house heater is inside one what. no nid on one. owells. ):

played mahjong for awhile, then played zhongjimima. its this game where one person thinks of a number, then the rest guesses. if the person guessed the number, got forfeit. and this time, our forfeit is drinking vodka. they poured it into a bottlecap. yeaps. i know very little la! but! its PURE leh. nvr mix. lol. so we played. mann. i think i was darn unlucky. I KEPT LOSING! ): after my first bottlecap they say my face red liao. hahaa. my face is very easy red one whaatt. lucky i wasnt drunk. heh-

after that we told ghost stories in the living room. i was kinda freaked out. dono why. hahaha. must be the alcohol. so panda&me went back into the room. denise, wenting, zhiying were there. played a round of uno cards with them and went to sleep already. hahaha. really tired whaatt! went the guys room to sleep cos the girls were still playing. hmms. couldnt sleep very well thou, cos they were simply making too much noise playing outside. haha.woke up at 4am to find jon,tzehowe,guozhi sleeping also. so funny. went into the living room and saw they just came back. they went to get their macdonalds delivery. the girls were sleeping inside the other room, so its kinda like, our clique again. haha. guozhi woke up too. so we all just sat there looking at them eat their macs breakfast. chatted alot too. about politics. hmms. i never knew things were like that until they said. lol. its against the law to speak of politics outside so shant say any further. (:

chatted till around 6plus 7 when the girls in the room woke up. so when they woke up, me&jo&ann went inside to sleep. haha. this time i could sleep better. cos most were tired from ytd nite and the rest were out searching for breakfast. lol. woke up again at around 10plus. panda&the rest went playing pool. me,jo,ann,eric,marcus,eric,shar waited for gina, who just woke up, to bathe then we went out. haha. in the meantime we chatted again. yupyup.

went out around 11plus. met leslie at the entrance of the pool place. so qiao! cos he didnt come for bbq ytd ma. he had church. haha. so played pool. and gz came back too. he went out in the morning to settle some things, but he brought turtie for me too! he forgot it ytd. haha. played till dono wad time, then panda they all went off for foodcourt lunch, we da-pao kfc back to eat.

cos it was wenting's bday the nxt day, panda they all came back with a tiny cake, planning to celebrate for her. BUT! we said it was unfair for leslie. cos his bday was one day after wenting's. so they went out again to buy another one for leslie. meanwhile our clique was cooped up in the room. talking about, stuffs. hahah. stupid one lei. dono why, everytime we talk, the topic will go there. hahaha. so..zzz. lol. when they came back, we off-ed all the lights and sang a happy birthday song. smashed leslie's face too. haha! so funny! i have the video. but i dono how to post it on youtube, cos its too long. hahaha. nvm. i shall find a way =D

aft tt we went out around 4plus to try rent skates. i wanna rollerblade (: reached the place at 5plus so the only rental available was for overnight. they were closing at 6 ma. yeaps. so we rented overnight. some rented bikes some rented skates. skated abit at pasir ris park. hahaha. so funny. look at all the ducks. first time skating. lol. lucky i didnt disgrace myself too much. i skated last time. but! the last time, my uncle brought us all the the carpark roof to skate. i tried the slope there. first few times ok. then sudenly i lost balance and rolled down. cut my leg real deep. from then on my papa didnt allow my to skate liao. haha. its was like, a few years ago. so, luckily i got the hang of it fast this time. i didnt make a fool outta myself. hahaha =x

skated back at around 7. dead beat. ordered pasta mania for dinner. haha. ann had the phone delivery number. =D food arrived at 8plus. ate and played games. at first, me, jo, jon, eric playing dai di. but i grew bored. so i suggested playing jiu quan. (the 5.10.15 that one. learnt it that day =D) me, jo, eric, jon, alex played. haha. jon and alex so cheater la! omg. and the way we played is, the person who got correct, the people sitting on either sides of him must drink. haha. and jon was sitting on my side!!! omg. so i kept drinking and drinking. oh ya. it was water. haha. cos we ran outta alcohol and there were loadsa drinks left. mann. i drank like crazy. so after that, we changed a game cos my stomach was about to burst.

we played this game using poker cards. there were a total of 7ppl playing so there were numbers 1-5 and a king and a queen. so whoever takes king will decide on the dare, the queen will say the numbers, to decide who will do it. hahaha. so fun! and i think, the guys are sexually deprived ppl man. zzz. so idiot. hahaha. the dare they do is like, HAHAH! i was really really rolling on the floor laughing nuts =D went out again at 1plus to continue skating. planned to go fishermen village to eat. so went pasir ris park. reach liao, then we realised we went the wrong direction of the park, so we went one big round. when we reached the other end, we realised it was ALL CLOSED. lol. so suay. and cos yifang wanted to come back ma, her skates were at the room (she went for a spin on panda's bf's BMW convertible *gawps*) so we all went back to meet her. those with skates waited at the macs there while those on bikes went back to meet her. it was around 3 in the morning liao. sat at macs to drink b4 going off. haha. we drank like we just came outta the desert man. really tired! ):

set off again for pasir ris beach to watch the sunrise. by the time we reached the end, it was around 4plus. so we just sat there to wait. alex,eric,gz went off with the bikes to get drinks. hs,jon were sleeping. so me,jo,yifang,josiah sat down and chatted about stuffs. the guys came back at around 6 so we all went to the edge of the beach to wait for the sunrise. took some photos, chatted. really nice moment. loved it. then we heard the rooster calling. haha. watched out real carefully for the sun. in the end, we didnt get to see it. cos the clouds were blocking.


skated back. was real tired by then. my legs were gonna break liao. muscle ache. darn. got back and i chionged to bathe. lol. when i was outta the bathroom lie on the bed i slp liao. haha! can u imagine how tired i was. jo kinda woke me up at 9plus. cos the housekeeping was gonna come. hadta check out by 10. sian. so we checked out. BUT, the skates were still with us. gotta return it and they said it doesnt open till 11. sianzx. so we chilled at macs. but at 1030 the guys said they went on bikes to check and saw the shop open already. lol. so we pulled ourselves up and walked there to return it. after that, went whitesands foodcourt. the guys ordered food while we only ordered drinks. haha. chatted sumor. until 1. then we went off. sat 88 home. slept on the bus and missed my stop! omg. i thought it goes to amk inter. and when i woke up, i was at bishan. hahaha. so i kinda took a cab home. when i was seeing the direction the cab went, the place where i alighted was kinda REALLY near to my house. LOL. just the other side only. hahaha. but if walk on foot quite long la, so its ok to cab =D

reached home, NOBODY at home. omg. papa&mama went out. sian. so i sat outside waiting for them, watching the pictures&videos took. awww. im sooo gonna miss it. ): i want another chalet! bathed another time when i reached home. lol. i jus kinda didnt feel really clean. after bathing slept liao. and the next time i woke up, it was 9pm. LOL.

ok. that about sums up my whole chalet. and i took 2hrs 2mins to type this. haha. i started at 1.05 and now its 3.07. mm. not bad. =D

went shopping at amk hub ytd. omg. all the clothes i wanted only had the display piece left, so i couldnt buy ): sighs. im so gonna go back and check their stock ): ohoh! saw zhong qing and the xiaohua xiaocao hosts and ppl there. no eyecandy lei. i mean, the participants la. and i realise xieyunyi's makeup very thick. LOL. ok. shall stop here. not bad. so long liao. back to my normal standard. haha! =x

tata! (:

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