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Wednesday, September 26, 2007 | 0 Superman(s)
im thinking of some things.
but with experience, the more i think about it, the more it wont happen.
so i wont think anymore (:

went out with the guys ytd. wanted to watch chuck&larry. BUT! kena check ic. so we all cant. hahaha. none of us there were 18 luhs. ): in the end watched rouge assasin. after that went esplanade the river there. sat and emo-ed. hahaha. not really emo la. was kinda taking photos all the time. took some stupid photos with stupid poses, which i didnt want. mann. joanne. im sooo gonna get back at u. lol. overall t'was fun la. im gonna upload all the photos soon with the chalet ones. once i get them from joanne. =D

andand! im going HONGKONG! woo. dec19th-24th. LOL. means i get to spend my birthday overseas.. =DD funny thing is, tt pig's going to hongkong on 19th too. HAHA! so funny! so qiao. but he's coming back on 21st. lol. my bday. really very qiao. hmms. wierd. hahahaha. wonder if we'l get the same plane. then really LOL liao. hahahah =x

ok. back to my show =D byebye

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