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Tuesday, September 18, 2007 | 0 Superman(s)
just finished aqmfs again. man. think this is the 1354602735th time im watching it. heh- i just cant get sick of that show. something inside really makes sense thou. sometimes the things you want just seem to come at the wrong times. owells. thats life for you. =/ overall, its still really really sweet thou. love them (:

kinda just came back from a haircut too. hmms. the back's alright. but my fringe is pathetic-ly short. hahaha. but nvm. i prefer it shorter. it keeps disturbing my eyes when its long. mm. ok crap.

chalet's coming. darn. i still havent settled loadsa things. realised me n pig are doing eth. sian. not that im complaining, but just felt they could've at least offered some help. owells. again, thats life. but nvm! im sure everyone will enjoy themselves, and there comes my pride. hahaha. lame. eric keep saying he wants to make me drunk. LOL. like thats sucha difficult task. hahaha. ive decided not to drink any liquor during chalet liao. if not later i say things i shouldnt. heh- then will dui bu qi others. =D

gaizaidebuzai; bugaizaideyezai

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