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Wednesday, September 05, 2007 | 0 Superman(s)
ytd went out with the clique. went visiting eric at his workplace. took us FOREVER to find it. we went marina square at first, then to suntec city, and finally found him at esplanade =D had chocolate fondue. while waiting for him. YUMYUM! =D then we watched evan almighty. super hilarious. you ppl should catch it. took loadsa photos too. i'l upload it when i get it from jo (: after that went wisma to collect jo's laptop and buy pig's wallet. lastly, went for dinner at the foodcourt there and talked about loadsa stuffs.

ive been thinking alot about the past lately.
maybe it was 'cos of the topic yesterday.
ive even dreamt of someone i long thought i forgot.

end of the day,
i learnt something.

Perhaps our eyes need to be washed by our tears once in a while,
so that we can see life with a clearer view again.

oh and btw,
first prize.
but no worries.
im getting 10% (:

The Past | The Present
Template by Nurah. Tuto from WA. Icons from Pixel. Music by Yonghwa. Colour from HTML
