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Friday, August 10, 2007 | 0 Superman(s)
YAY. its a friday. but doesnt feel like one thou. sighs. im officially gonna start my studying tmr. today's the last day im mapling. lol. ): i lvl up le anw, so can go study in peace. cant pw le lo. sian. hahx. tmr going leslie's hse for commskills. got presentation on monday. OMG. siao liao. im sooo deadd =x im like, doing recommendations onli lo. scared not enuff to say 4mins ): *gulps*

alright. a summary of my week, starting with monday.

hmm. i cant rmb. lets skip to tuesday.

*ponders real hard*

mann. i cant rmb anything...

OHOH! haha. i rmb. went to watch secret and um, this show F... something..(cant really rmb show title). watched it with alvis n his fren. wasnt a really good show thou, all fighting and twisting ppl's body parts. lol. but i appreciated the fact that they did the stunts without cinematics effect, which made it look even more real. yupyup. so poor thing. saw the NG shots where the stunts went horribly wrong and they hit themselves. aww. so ke lian. i was *ouch-ing* thruout the whole show. hahaha. next show was Secret. the story was alright la. abit sad. hah. the beginning was a REAL BORE. lol. almost felt like sleeping. interesting part was to the back. mann. i wish i had a story like that to tell =D so fairytale. so cool. hahaha. *daydreams* reached home at around..11plus. yeaps.


a stupid day. POM lecture 2-4 was cancelled. that left us with CSA, which was 4-6. OMG. i sooo didnt feel like going luhs. like so no point.. zzz. take bus 1hr go sku, lesson for 1hr, take bus go home 1hr. OMG. sucha waste of my time. lol. i assumed that lesson is one hr la. it always ends early. PLUS, half the class not going. -.- hmms. yea. but i went thou. im a good girl (: i couldnt bear to break her heart ma. she's sucha niceeeeeee teacher =D i love her loads. hahaha. anw aft tt meeting my twin for movie again ma. so might as well go (: and as predicted, our class onli 13ppl turn up. lol. so pathetic. ahwells. we had fun with her thou. she's a really really really nice teacher. hope to have her next sem. *prays*

rightt. then aft lesson met up with twin. went amk hub to watch rush hour 3. wanted to watch alone at first. BUT, he said rating onli 2..then..anything lo. hahx. but its ok la. this movie was funny. =D laughed all the way. man. i like that black guy. haha. he's seriously much funnier than jackie chan. dono why. he's jus darn hilarious la. the way he acts..the way he presents himself..the jokes he makes.. haha. it just super funny. you ppl should go watch =DD


but my mum older thou. haha! =x okok. craps. stayed at home whole day. wanted to start on some studying..BUT, weather was darn freaking hot. didnt have the mood to. lol. =x so ended up mapling whole day and by the end of the day, i gained a migrane. zzz. nth much la. OHOH. i saw kelvin on tv too =D but he appeared onli for like, 9seconds. lol. he was marching. aww. i seriously LOVEEEE his uniform. SO COOL! all white. omg. hahaha. thats the nicest thing about him. oops! =x


woke up at 730, freaked out, got outta bed, got ready for sku. lol. i was supposed to OUT of the house at that time. hah. and i realised its not the bus journey thats long, its the WAITING time thats long. waited a freaking 15mins for 25. and another 15 for 8. zzz. i went outta the hse at 740 and reached sku at 9 on the dot. see! i tool arnd 70mins. minus 30mins waiting time, i actually onli nid 40mins lo! hmm. ok la. quite long oso. lol. but hey! at least i dont have to rush like siao if the waiting time is cut short ok. lucky my first lesson was lecture today man. i wasnt late la, but nearly. owells. was intending to go home with twin tdy oso. but my hp batt died halfway today. haha. so cant contact him. SORRY TWIN =x

but i realise sth thou. im always waiting for him. haha. normally ppl go out with me is ppl wait for me one. cos i dont like to wait alone. yupyup. v lonely. lol. BUT, everytime i oso wait for him to go home tgt n stuffs lo. tsktsk. stiu say i bo xim! i very nice le ok! hahaha.

alrights. long enough le. lol. happy le ma? blog le la. my one post oso longer than ur 2posts added tgt lo. haha! =x

kk. outta here.


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