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Friday, August 03, 2007 | 0 Superman(s)
hmms. im bored, so i decided to drop by and clear some dust specks away. =D

today was the deadline for econs portfolio and presentation. omg. i think im so dead for my presentation. zzz. i prepared my speech like, 10mins b4? omg. haha. cant blame ok! i was just too tired the previous night. i was like, chionging the portfolio lo. cos i think i forgot to save my report the last time i did it, n it was gone. -.- so no choice. redo lo. hais- also cos i was helping sharmila finish up her report, and oso hlp guozhi find his article. zz. SO BZ LO! by the time i finished eth i sian le. super tired, althou it was onli 12plus. haha! so funny. normally i wouldnt b tired at this time one lo. hmm. guess ive been sleeping late too often =x

ohoh! exams are coming too!! OMG. i havent started studying..AT ALL. tsk. i really find not enuff time lo. so many things and so little time. PLUS, our commskills project, monday mus hand up outline, 14th is formal presentation. OMGOMGOMG. then tuesday is summative test. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH- im going bonkers. T.T

hmmm. ive got tickets to go NDP tmr. hahaa. with my family.. 'cos korkor is performing ma. yupp. the march past one.. hmm. BUT, if im not wrong, tmr im going movie with tweeny lei.. watching alone. yupp. and im more tempted to go movie than NDP. haha. cos NDP like so boring. waste my time. =x ive been wanting to watch that movie v long le lor! we actually plan to watch on wed de, bdn i hadta chiong econs. so didnt. yupyup. sighs- i'l ask him see first baa (:

andand!! today finally got to meet up with my dearest most beloved car!! =D omg. I MISS HER LOADS CAN!! sosososo happy =DD but quanhui wanted to tag along at first, then i didnt want. haha. =x he oso v funny la! cos hk told me at first he ask her wanna 'dine' tgt anot. LOL. i was practically rolling on the floor laughing as hard as i can la! dine. omg. so formal. haha! they tgt how long le lo. funny!! then i said no ma, so she told him we wanna have girls talk, so too bad. haha. then he was like going, 'oh. i understand. nvm then.' LOL. make me feel so guilty lo. =x but hey! they get to see each other so often la. im meeting her like, ONCE in a very VERY blue moon ok! so i dont care. im booking her for the day. (: so today we went walking around amk central. went xintiandi first..walk abit, then proceeded to amkhub. lol. aft tt sat at the N... dono wad isit called. cant rmb =x but the place darn cool! u can like, watch movie and play games there one lo. the shop's on the same floor as the cinema. yupyup! talking abt the cinema, havent been inside yet. haha! but they say its nice thou..feel like going there watch. lol.

hmm. rightt. thats for all now. real tired. but its only 9pm. sian! im feeling so sleepy, dono why. told you i needed at least 10hrs of slp a day! ): im suffering from lack of sleep man.. and those EYEBAGS.. omg! they are getting uglier and uglier. haha! and im still feeling fat. darn. must diet liao. lol.

andand! that stupid donkey. omg. im really seriously gonna settle everything right in his face someday.. someday.. i have never ever disliked someone as much as i am disliking him now. what is wrong with him?? why cant he just lead a normal life and have normal friends?? YOU DONT HAVE TO GO AROUND FLIRTING TO MAKE FRIENDS WITH GIRLS OK. i mean, ok i myself find myself abit mean sometimes la.. but he really really deserves it la. hohoho. he's so freaking scared we'd know, but you know what? WE KNEW IT LONG AGO. we're just playing along with you so stop ur pretense. i really pity ur gd fren. bet he doesnt know a shit. and STOP GIVING ME ATTITUTE JUST BCOS YOU WANT ATTENTION! sickening donkey. pfft. even if i was the topic, I DONT CARE. who the hell cares anyway. PFFT.

kays. gone now. bye!

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