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Wednesday, May 02, 2007 | 0 Superman(s)
tdy was such a bad day. sighs- nth seems to go right..

had classes at 2pm today. BUT, i woke up at 7. dono why. mayb its cos im used to waking up at tt tym for my 9am classes. yeaa. so i slept back. then woke up again at 8, slept back. woke up again at 9, slept back. woke up again at 10, slept back. woke up again at 11, slept back. the next time i woke up, i was late. zzz. plus, had a serious case of bad hair day today. omg. luckily i solved tt prob in d bus. rwahahas. owells. then aft i woke up, packed my things at lightning speed and rushed outta d hse. when i got outta d hse, some dumbo was holding the lift at 14th storey for damn long. rarrs. what nice timing. zz. so i went down by stairs, and ran all the way to the bus stop.

when i reached the freaking bus stop, i could jus see the bus zooming away. omg. ran aft it. luckily the bus uncle saw me n he was nicee enuff to wait for mee. (: when i boarded the bus, i found out i couldnt use my ezlinkcard anymore. then the whole bus was staring at me while i kept trying my ezlink card. zz. so embarrassing. then i just put in coins. mayb its cos our new ezlink cards are already made so they bar us from using the secondary sku ones. yea.

reached interchange damn early today. mayb cos t'was in d afternoon. reached at abt 1.11pm lo. owells. then met joanne n sharmila to go sku tgt. first up was lecture. damn boring. i almost slept. n the tchr was like, jumping here and there, totally not following the seqence of the notes. zz. owells. but the good thing was she released us abt half hour earlier, so we went to collect our new ezlink cards.

last lesson was CSA lab. omg. i felt so dumb there. lol. i was totally confused as to what to do lo. haha. i was jus being my usual blur kok self. owells. ): gr8 thing, she released us half hr earlier too. yays. so we went bookshop to get our POM txtbk. damn heavy. aft tt met amira to pass her d class fotos. practically begged her to take the bus to interchange with me. n she relented. yays. n she was such a sweetie pie to take 22 back with me to amk. aww. THANKS DEARIE!

aft i reached my stop, then i realised xiaotian was on the sam bus with me. omg. cos when we were gg to the bus stop outside tp, we saw xiaotian gg back cos he left his wallet in tutorial classroom. yeaa. didnt expect him to b on tt bus. haha. yays. next time im gonna go home with him. then i wont be so lonely. (: cheers.

tts abt all for tdy lahs. yeaa. tmr's gonna b sucha long day.. haf makeup lessons for financial accounting. but, we'l haf a 3hr break in between. dammit. its gonna b sooo boring. rarrs.

oh yea. saw this horror movie's trailer on d bus. its called The Letters Of Death. mann. feel like watching it. ANYONE WANTS TO?? owells. i haf the im too bz to watch it feeling too. bummer. i so feel like watchin that. ):

yays. im gonna recieve my lappy most prob tmr/friday. lets rejoice! xD

i jus realised i havet eaten anything the whole day. bummer. no wonder im feeling hungry. and my house is outta food! sighs- guess i'l jus grab some bread to eat or something. too lazy to go downstairs buy. ):

alrites. tts abt all. this post is crap. im feeling crappy right now anyways. owells. tata.

youweretheonewhotoldmetodothis; nowyoutellmewhattodo.


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