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Saturday, April 21, 2007 | 0 Superman(s)
alrites. changed my song liaos. this song's like soo nice cans. [: fell in love with it the moment i heard it..n its really really rare for me to like english songs okaes. xD hope u like it too! *grinns*

lets update.. yesterday was the last day of orientation. hahx. n i screamed like mad. man. tt was real fun. long time since i last screamed that bad, if u'd not count the fights i had with my parents... yea. (: haha. i gotta admit thou, the SLs gotten smarter over the years. we had this meeting with our careperson (sth like counsellors) then she gave us our timetables for nxt week n our matric cards. matric cards are the cards with u use to go for exams..borrow books or wadeva.. its sth like an identity card within the sku la. yupp. so in d past yrs, most students skipped the rest of the orientation once they got these 2 things. this year, the SLs took our matric cards away frm us the moment we got them. haha. smart. cos the guys were like, planning to run away lo. lol. they're like so funny cans. reminds me of joel n yusong tt gang. (:

then aft tt we had our lunch at the sports convention hall. oh ya. btw, lemme mention. in business(bus) sku, HTM(hospitality&tourism management) has like, 270 ppl. then BSG(business studies group) has like, 580 ppl la. wahpiangehs. its insanity can. we ANF(accounting&finance) onli gt like, 6classes with 23 in each class. omg. u can jus imagine how big jus those 2 courses are. lol. INSANE. take so many for wad. siao. ANYWAYS, lemme continue. we were at the sports convention hall taking our lunch. cos there's this platform there tt overlooks the track&field for us to sit. yupp. cos tt day we had this inter school competition. competition against bus,it,engine,as n design. yupps. business was the overall winner for 2yrs le. so we were hoping to win it again this yr. lol. so this segment was some games like, passing chairs, throwing n catching water bombs, bouncing volleyballs.. yea. buncha dumb games. lol. then biz came in third for tt segment. yupp.

we headed over to bedok reservior aft tt to watch the dragonboat race. it was just behind the school. haha. damn near right. anw, think i spotted tweeny on the way there thou. cos there was this buncha engine SLs running beside us (but v far away). mms. think so la. couldnt really see very well. [: then when we got there, i felt like leaving. LOL. its like, DAMN FREAKING HOT. the stupid sun was shining like its the last day it could do so. bummer. as a result im like so black now. zzz. sit FRONT row leii. siao. shoulda sat last row or sth. haha. ohwells. then dragonboat race think biz came in 2nd. engine sucked at dragonboat. haha. they came in last for both races. lol.

our cheerleading was alrites anw. at least i thot it was btr than the rest.. cos ours is like, REAL cheerleading where people get thrown up into the air those kind leii. n they onli had a day to practice. so yupps. the rest of d sch's cheerleading was like, damn sucky. dono wad the shit they were doing anw..couldnt hear, couldnt see (cos sun too bright). so i didnt care. xD haha. then came the prize presentation. biz won 2. one is dono wad. think cheerleading bahs. then the other one is the overall champion. WOO- biz biz biz biz ness~

3 times winner! (clap, clap clap, clap clap)
(repeated this cheer for like, DOZENS of times. haha)

mann. tt was damn high. esp the moment the SLs went up to get the trophy n went running all around us. lol. everyone was hugging each other n shouting or screaming. haha.

damn. i'l seriously miss the orientation thou. cos its the onli time we get to have fun in SCHOOL. bummer. oh ya. i was damn happy tdy morn too! ^^ i'l elaborate.

as freshies, we arent supposed to have any tutorials for the first week xcept for APEL (sth like CME) and CommSk1 (as the name suggests, think its communication skills or wadeva. yupps). SO, bcos of tt, my monday timetable wiu end up with me gg sku for a ONE hour lesson (APEL) and going home. ... its so dots right!! cos i'd hafta take ONE hr bus journey there, spend ONE hr in sku, take ONE hr bus journey back.. so dumb la. then this morn my careperson called me to tell me she's postponing our APEL lesson on monday. haha. so shuang. cos she's the one teaching us APEL ma. yea.. think she found it abit of waste time for us too. haha. nt bad. she's leaving a good impression on me. lol.

BUT, there's one thing i hated abt her too. lol. cos during our meet the careperson session right, they were deciding the 'monitor n assistant', and treasurer n assistant. yupp. then 2guys volunteered for d monitor n assistant position. so she said she wanted 2 girls for the treasurer n asst to even up. then as expected, no one volunteered. then she was like saying tt if we didnt volunteer, she's gonna open up the offer to the guys. so obviously i was like going, I DONT MIND! then she was like, OH YOU DONT MIND? OK U'L B THE TREASURER N UR FREN BSIDE U WIU B UR ASST xD


OMG. haha. cos im like, abit close to this girl in my class la. yupps. so she was like hammering me like mad cos i dragged her in. wahlaueh. a normal person with normal brains would know i didnt mean it tt way luhs. zzz. got suan-d b d guys the WHOLE day cos of tt sentence la. haha. so shitty can. i sec1 until now treasurer, now oso treasurer. dumbo. do i haf tt much an affinity with being a treasurer?! lol. rarrs.

n today alicia brought her bf back for her mama to see. i knew him(alicia's bf) the same time as alicia knew him lo. n bcos of some...umm.. reasons, they hadta bluff them(aunts n mama) tt he was my fren's fren. yupp. wahlau. then alicia's mum n my mum was like, bombarding me with questions about how i knew him, how she knew him, how they got tgt.. wth. i almst fainted. bluffing ur way thru ur aunts who saw u grow up aint an easy task ok. *whew* i ended up jus concentrating on d computer until alicia n her bf came. lol. then i left him to answer the questions. xD im so nice right. lol.

alrites. tmr im gg wit my aunt to ichiban sushi for lunch again. rwahahas. i simply love tt place. xD really nice. thou i dont like working there. lol. im soo not suited for jobs tt use ur sense of organisation too much. zzz. too tough for me. im a typical blurr kok. haha. i admit. its a fact. [: then aft tt we're gg to make our nails. yay. im soo looking fwd to it. its the first time im gonna do it. so excited.. wonder how it'l b like. haha. *ponders*

think that's all for today.. i'l blog most probably tmr or monday. yupp. im getting my lappy soon too. yays. i can sense it. hees. (: kaes. tts all for tdy! takkaire guys. hope u guys enjoy ur poly/JC life to ur fullest. the years wiu jus pass by w/h u noticing n it'l b over in a flash. yea. STUDY HARD&PLAY HARD YEA? gd luck. xD


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