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Friday, April 27, 2007 | 0 Superman(s)
i was feeling darn sad all of a sudden when i was bathing jus now. almost cried. dammit. i hate it when this feeling comes. mann. n i was happy in sku today cos of some reasons.. ahhwells. it totally spoilt my mood. bummer.

this'l b a short one thou. i wanna complete my hmwk then go to slp liaos. tt dumbo jonathon keeps irritating me. lol. but irritating as in, making me entertain me. ahhs. nvm. liddat oso can. then dono de qns can ask him. rwahahas.

thursday was damn pathetic. we were supposed to haf a&f freshie orientation camp. our class onli 5ppl turned up. me, sharmila, joanne, guozhi n eric. poor eric. he got made fun by us. lol. cos his surname is ooi. but its supposed to b pronounced as wee. but we didnt know. like, hey. a normal person who sees ooi wiu jus pronounce it as ooi rites. lol. so during the whole orientation we were like, eric ooi~ haha. damn farnie. then guozhi, sharmila n joanne hadta go off to find their own frens so me n eric walked tgt back. yeps. abt all. i was soo tired tt day laa. man. n i scratched both my knees and hands. they're jus THIS close to bleeding. owells.

this morn woke up as usual. dammit. really didnt feel like gg tdy. cos my whole body was aching. ahhs. but i dragged myself outta bed la. mms. then FINALLY had a proper accounts lesson today. but it was damn boring. he's an outright lousy teacher n i already know what he's trying to teach. zzz. then aft lecture our class met up to discuss wad we were gonna do for CCN (campus care network day). its sth like our sku funfair liddat. yeahs. think we're like gonna sell maiyatang n kachiamputeh or sth liddat. yeps. cost price low ma. we're future accountants ok.. we mus know how to earn the most outta the least. rwahahas. i sound so pro. (:

then aft the discussion me, ann, sharmila n joanne went to the applied science canteen to eat. their's is the onli air-conditioned canteen can. omg. so jealous. the bus canteen like sooo... sku canteen. lol. their canteen is totally food court style. got air con, ppl wear uniform, they clear ur plates for u and all tt. in bus canteen we hafta clear our own plates too ):

went to engineerin sku for our last lecture. its econs. damn boring. most slept during it. but sth really nice happened thou. really happy ^^

aft lecture me, joanne, hoishek, eric, guozhi, saber went down to the Eazi printing there to order our lecture notes. yeps. omg. 3subjects worth of notes for our whole class costs up to 300. wahlaus. heng i collected enuff money b4 hand. whahahas. im beginning to admire my smartness. (:

aft tt left them n went to take bus myself cos of some reasons. yeps. guozhi joined me at the bus stop soon later. he was waiting for his father to fetch him. so i chatted abit with him there. haha. he's damn fun. reminds me of joel they all. jus he's nicer n not tt sacarstic than them. and as fun to play with. (:

alrites. abt sums up my day. quite long thou. dont mind me. really in a rush. cos i promised jon to pei him chat until i fin my hmwk. n im DEAD tired. mann. wanna go fin my hmwk now. yeps. tata guys. i'l blog agn soon. (: takkaire. lovee ya lots!


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