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Wednesday, June 18, 2008 | 0 Superman(s)
KAY. im free now to blog i guess. haha. kay! lets start from mondayy..

PROJECT WAS CANCELLED! happy happy happy!! but! kinda spoilt my plans for mango sales la. ): hahaha. nvm. i got to go out with cousin. thats all that matters (: we had a great time shopping can! until she made me practically wail while walking through bugis street. ok fine. exaggeration. butbut! seriously! she's the first and last person to make me cry while walking thru BUGIS kay! tsktsk. ALICIA TAN HUI SIAN! cant you just pack me in your luggage and bring me too?? i promise i'l lose weight!! ): OHOH! another one. hilarious. as you all very well know i dont like carrying bags. hahaha. so i dumped my stuffs into her bag that day. IN THE END, i took everything but my key back!!! T.T then nobody at home. sigh. so i went to the fountain to sit. really nice. (: it was 6plus, so it wasnt too bright nor too dark. i was enjoying myself so much k! until some idiots came over. haha. hate it. ohwell. i was locked outside until 8plus k! lol. but this time not my fault. hahaha. not i nv bring key ho! i brought! just that i forgot to take it back :D improvement!

tuesday, i was kinda totally useless. 2 projects clashed. leadership and cas. but seeing i was the one who booked the others for leadership first, i concentrated on that. butbut! i was totally distracted la. not in the mood to do. tried to help with cas, but i knew nuts about what was going on. T.T omg. it was a totally disappointing day. SIGH. ohwell. ):

wednesday, reached school at 9. LOL. yesyes i know. what a miracle right. seeing project starts at 11. haha. i was feeling guilty about not doing anything, so yea. i thought reaching thr early to start doing would kinda help. turns out not. didnt do anyth much also lo! ): i woke up for NOTHING! haha. two hours leh! its 2 hours of sleep! i can dream alot you know. hahahhaa. kelvin joined me at 10plus thou. he's one funny person can. AND YES I KNOW URE READING. hahaha. crazy! prj start 11 so early come school. in the end all his prj ppl were late too i think. hahaha. either that or i think they forgot. lol. poor thing. leadership prj went alright la. not actual submission anyways. no worries! (:

went to find my cas ppl aft leadership ended at around 12plus. they were on the verge of bursting already can. hahaha. damn cute. but okay la. accpac, need to be more careful lo. if not u'l end up redo-ing the whole thing. speaking of which, i think i caused weekwang's group to redo. LOL. im really really sorry. i wanted to check answers only!! very sorry!! ): oh and i think, its best not to disturb a person when they are doing accpac. everyone was super fierce can!! omg. in the end i only dared to ask mingxuan questions. cos he was caaaaaalm. hahaha. so i ended up bugging and bugging him with questions. =/ sorry! but he was a greeeeeeat help la :D

oh and, jo was doing her prj today also. she was telling us about some stuffs. lol. dont know la. i thought he changed for the better! haha. duno la. didnt like him from the start. whats this lo! cheating others feelings, is the worst of what a MAN can do okay. i think ure not even a man. ure a baby. ok no. baby is too cute for u. i think....ure like...a spoilt brat. ah yes! spoilt brat suits you. lol. stop going around cheating people's feelings like that la! its not funny, nor is it fun. please give girls the respect they deserve thankyou (:

mm. i think im getting super mean these days. but no im not doing to strike that paragraph out. i think you deserve that scolding. lol. i believe, there are loads who would willingly slap your face okay.

ok i think its not such a happy post anymore, so i shall end with a smile. HAHAHA.

:D :D :D


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