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Sunday, January 20, 2008 | 0 Superman(s)
dont care, dont want, dont fancy. if you so fancy playing them, count me out. go join it yourself.

many things happened, a tad too much for me to handle. i was in school ytd to do MBS. started from 3 and ended at 9. recieved a call from a particular someone, and i kinda broke down. i think he got a shock. hahah. sorry. its just, the stress from projects and all. now this. i didnt really feel any point in continuing in this. im really really tired already. all i want is to spend my 3years in school peacefully. but luckily, i picked myself up. i agree with what you said, and im willing to try once more. lets give it our all, as a team. we go girls. we'l show them what we're made of.

i cant believe my saturday was gone just like that. spent my whole day in school yesterday chionging MBS with shar. but she left halfway. lol. luckily eric and jo were there to help me with it. haha. and a BIG THANKYOU to eric for staying so late just cos i was using his laptop! :D couldnt use the labs cos it closed at 4.45pm. ahwells. gonna do some finalising later again using his laptop. lol. reached home at 11 ytd. freaking late. then the moment i got home, started replying emails and stuffs, did psycho quiz (i was damn lucky i could still do. deadline was 12am i did it at 1am :D), edited macro article, tried doing some slides for MBS presentation, went through macro presentation slides, wrote down the list of things to discuss on fri's IG meeting.. OMG. i think ive freaking alot of things to do. and i cant believe i stayed up till 3am just to do those. =/

eh but i spent like, another 1hour or so talking to someone soo, hahha. crazy. i cant believe i chatted that long. so late summor. but alright lah. he analysed the situation more clearly to me about the things we're gonna do, and i have confidence in all of us (:

and i realised ive suddenly alot of project presentations coming up.. monday's submission of MBS and macro, presentation of macro.. thursday's presentation of MBS. OMG. everything is crashing down on me all at once. im really really going to enjoy my holidays to the fullest man.

okok. i just woke up like, 20mins ago, and i havent bathed nor brushed my teeth. HAHAHA. so dirty. k la. gotta go prepare to go out already. projects projects and more projects. ): REJOICE! its finishing :D


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