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Monday, December 03, 2007 | 0 Superman(s)
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its a stupid show.
the guy kinda like,
died 5 times in different ways alr.
so dumb.
but actually its quite nice lah.
might get confusing in the starting,
but the ending's really nice.
provided u can perserve till then.

oh and,
i am NOT EMO!
so please dont ask me why im emo.
how can i be emo??

oh and,
i realised,
decembers are like,
so NOT for studying luhs.
feel like sleeping everytime i open my books.


exams are just a week away.
*zooms to check my schedule*
ok specifically,
6days only, since today's gone.

tmr's ann's birthday.
she's so going to lovveee us. =D
crossing fingers and hoping she doesnt see this,
which has a probability of 80%.
and what does this tell you?

its time for bus stats revision (:


wow i realised.
what an abrupt ending.
but then again,
who cares (:

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