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Friday, November 23, 2007 | 0 Superman(s)
i just typed one whole long paragraph and blogger died on me.
it came out empty

ok anyhows,
as i was saying,
im sick.
sore throat&cough.
hates the throat.
makes me feel like vomitting every morning.

oh and,
im in DEEP SHIT.
exams are, what?
2weeks away?
and im not even in the mood to start my revisions.
seriously, it doesnt even seem like a school day.
im still in my holiday mood,
with it nearing december n stuffs.
it sucks to be studying in december.

in the process of getting the photos of jo's bday.
will upload it when i finish transferring.

pictures uploaded. click here.

last note.
flu bug flying around recently.
please please take care of yourselves (:
drink more water.
yup. thats all.


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