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Monday, April 16, 2007 | 0 Superman(s)
i realise ive not bin blogging for v long. rwahahas. ohwells. stayed at home most of d time la. haha. jus tt last friday went out with alicia. went suntec to my workplace. yupp. hadta give my new number. but cos my manager told me i cant totally stop work ma. within 3mths mus work at least once. yupp. so i quitted instead. lol. woo- yay. im officially jobless! xD haha. shopped arnd suntec then went cine. took neos. i'l upload it later [: most of d decoration did by me. lol. alicia too long nvr touch neoprint machine le. so she suddenly dono how to deco. im a deco genius. rwahahahs. so long nvr take neos stiu knoe how to us d machine. lol. xD
ANYWAYS, aft tt went heeren. yupps. n far east was d last stop. met lydia. haha. stopped at gelare for a cuppa drink. n my feet were KILLING me. zzz. the heels were like biting me like hell can. hais- then boh pian exchange shoe wth alicia awhile. lol. she was wearin slippers [: wells. got to settle my shoes at heeren thou. got everlast. rwahahas. thinkin of gettin either d purple addidas bag or d white puma one. yupps. cant decide. zzz. ohwells.

then tdy went back suntec to give back uniform n badge. woo- nt bad. saw him there. lol. n he looked darn happy to see me. waving like siao. haha. nt bad. at least im welcomed back at my workplace. lol. xD but didnt stay la. gave n went. yupp. came back shopped arnd amk hub n central lo. n had mos for dinner [:

tts really abt all la. really boring. sians. SKU'S STARTING. omg. yay. lets pon orientation xD haha. kaes. tts all for tdy. i'l upload d neos [:

alrites. tts abt all. *yawns* ive bin trying to train myself to start wakng up early these few days. hais- ohwells. n tmr's syf. JUNIORS JIAYOOUS! u all can mae it de! i'l wakeup specially at 8am for u tmr morn n sms all of u jiayou. lol. see. im sucha good senior. rwahahas. xD
kaes. i'l go now. wana watch my vcd. so sad. ]: nites.

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